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"Is that a therapist?"

"We aren't calling it that," I said, ushering Gabi and Maddox away from the room, "Lunch?"


"Are you still mad at us?" Maddox asked.

"No, but I think I should be involved in these conversations. She is a kid,"


"It's all worked out,"

We grabbed food and sat down, silent for a few minutes as we were all hungry.

The conversation had gone well between Charlie and them. Short and sweet, but well. Both girls were obviously happy, but I felt they had contained it well, because this was all difficult for Charlie. I sensed a lot of relief after the conversation from her, which was good, as I was worried about regret. There were some things I wanted to discuss, but out of earshot.

"You guys have a lot of preparing to do!"


"I just want to make sure we are on the same page. She does want some kind of relationship with them,"

"Of course. She is their family. We definitely want them to know who their biological mum is,"

"Yeah. I mean, we obviously want to be able to bond with them, but as soon as she is feeling okay she is welcome round whenever," Gabi said, "I think a few of us in this family know what it's like to not have their bio mum... you know?"

"Well, I am very glad this has worked out, and I think she is very happy they are going to be well looked after,"

"I hope she really is okay with it,"

"She is. I think with everything she has been through it is really difficult, and she obviously doesn't want her twins to go through that at all. She knows they're safe, she says Luke will be a good grandad,"

"He will," Maddox smiled, "We will host the baby shower for her,"

"Don't make it too flashy,"

"That's her middle name," Gabi said, "We are really grateful. I know I usually tell you everything, Cal, but we have been trying for such a long time. That was trying to number two. I dunno. I am trying to be appropriately happy,"

"I am pleased for everyone. Maybe give us space for a few days, but I am sure she will be eager to see you both once we are home. She thinks very highly of you,"

Once we had finished eating, they both went home, so I joined Charlie back in her room. She greeted me with a smile, mid through her lunch, so I pulled a chair up and sat beside her. Staying in silence, I went on my phone to reply to a few messages, and she watched the tv, but once her food was done her hand did hold mine.

I stayed on my phone for a bit, gently rubbing my thumb across her hand, then suddenly her arms wrapped around me, and she buried her head in my shoulder.

"Are you okay?"

"More than okay,"

"Good. I am so proud of you,"

"Maddox texted me that she is going to plan the party. I knew I would maybe get to meet who my babies were going to, but I didn't think I would get this lucky,"

"I think it will be really good for you,"

"When I get to go back to school, can it be a different one?"

"Of course it can. Are you excited to go back?"

"Yeah. I like learning. When I was with my nanny I really liked school, and no one picked on me because I didn't go in dirty clothes or anything. You don't let my clothes be dirty for like, 2 days,"

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