Chapter -17

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Recap: Yash arrived to meet Mr.Abhi and Mrs. Meeera


Nanda waited in the car and Yash entered the huge living and saw Abhimanyu and Meera. She immediately hugged Yash and he too reciprocated it.

Meera: I missed you a lot Yash...

Yash: Missed you too maa.

Meera: you missed me and didn't find time to meet me is it ?

Yash: Maa, please you know me right....

Abhimanyu cleared his throat and Yash looked at him.

Yash: How are you ?

Abhimanyu: fine.. come lets have dinner..

The trio walked to the dining table and took their seats. Goutham walked down the stairs beaming at Yash and took his seat opposite to him. Varushini walked out of the kitchen with a apron and placed the dishes on the table.

Goutham: Hello are you ?

Yash: As always good..

Meera: Varu why are you doing this ? You could have informed the maids.

Varushini: Its ok maa. Its been long time Yash mama has come home so I thought of preparing his favourite food.

Yash gritted his teeth and stayed silent. Varushini started to serve the food but  Yash showed his hands to stop her.

Goutham: What happened Yash ?. Are you scared of being poisoned ?

Yash: And do you think you could be alive after poisoning me ?

Meera: Stop it both of you. I wanted to have some good time with my sons so please behave..

Goutham: Mom chill just for fun..

Meera: Stop your stupid funs Goutham.

Meera: Yash please have some food with us. Its been long time we ate together.

Yash called the chef and asked him to prepare a simple sandwich for him.

Varushini: Mama why don't have the food prepared by me ? please have some.

Yash: Stop calling me that and better have your focus and give attention to your fiance rather than pestering me like you did in my office.

Goutham: Varu did you go to bro's office ?

Varushini: Yes Goutham. I just went to greet him after my return from states.

Yash: Is it so Ms. Varushini? but I remember you asking me to marry you. May be your soon to be husband is not good enough to meet your expectations is it ?

Goutham: shut your fucking mouth brother.

Yash: Show your roughness to her so better she would not pester me again.

Meera: How could you boys speak so disgusting in front of your parents ? And you Varushini I will never accept any such disgusting things in my family. I accepted your marriage with goutham only because Goutham and you are in love and if I hear any more such acts of you remember I will never hesitate to stop this wedding proposal.

Varushini: Maa I m really sorry its not like that. I just went to greet him.

Meera: there is no need for you to greet him. Just give your time to your fiance.

Varushini: hmmmm.

Yash: Maa why did you call me ?

Meera: Yash lets talk privately

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