Chapter - 121

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Recap: Anjali and Yash have a heart to heart conversation and Yash comes to know about Varushini's pregnancy.


Yash and Anjali were ready to leave for home but before that Yash informed the chief doctor to get the gynaecologist do the check up for Anjali.

The gynaecologist welcomed the couple and checked the vitals of Anjali and later took her for an ultra sound scan. Yash walked with her and the doctor applied the cool gel on her abdomen and traced the ultrasound transducer on her abdomen and pointed to the baby which appeared like a raspberry. Anjali clutched Yash's hand tightly looking at their baby.

Doctor: Now you can hear the heart beat of your baby.

With that the couple heard the heart beat of their child which echoed matching to theirs at the moment. Yash took his mobile quickly and recorded it. The couples came back to their seat opposite to the doctor.

Doctor: congratulations to both of you. Anjali madam you are two months pregnant.

Yash and Anjali both gasped and looked at doctor who got scared for a moment but cleared their throat and gave casual smile.

Doctor: The baby is absolutely fine. Please take your vitamins, have healthy food and stay stress free. We can have check up next month the same date.

Yash and Anjali came out of the doctor's room and soon they were escorted from the hospital to their home. Dhiya and Nila were at office with Rishi. Nanda stayed home and helped Yash reach his room and returned to his room. Yash held Anjali's hand pulled her to him but she stopped him.

Anjali: Hey Mr. Husband, keep your zips closed. We are not doing anything that would cause risk. May be we should have asked the doctor about it.

Yash: Even before knowing my son's presence we were being wild for the past two months. He is strong enough like me so there will be no problem but still we would go gentle from now on.

Anjali: Did you forget that you are suppose to be in rest for two months and that includes everything you got it ?

Yash: Don't give me the toughest work of keeping you away.

Anjali: I m serious Yash, I can't risk with your health. Doctors let you go home because you promised to take care.

Yash: what about for two months ?

Anjali: You will get a little foreplay. And if you want more, then take good care and get well soon.

Anjali moved to the washroom but stopped and turned to Yash.

Anjali: Yash, are you not going to speak to Meera maa ?

Yash: I will meet her in two days at AM Residence.

Anjali: thank you. Please let me come with you. I want to meet her badly.


Two days later Nanda drove Yash and Anjali to AM Residence. Meera was sitting on a couch in the living, her head resting on her arm on the arm rest. Vinitha was sitting next to her with a cup of tea for Meera.

The moment foot steps were heard both Vinitha and Meera looked at the direction and the next moment Meera rushed to Yash and cupped his face and checked on him. The already traces of dried tears were now replaced with fresh tears.

Meera: How are you Yash, I was so scared when I saw you both being carried away from the stadium but thank god you both are fine.

She caressed Anjali's hair and kissed her forehead. She turned to Yash with a smile now.

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