Chapter - 66

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Recap: Yash- Anjali, Rishi- Dhiya , Nanda - Nila and Goutham - Vinitha get engaged.


The couples had lunch post their engagement and were laughing whole heartedly. Meera was finally happy to see her sons getting settled in their life but Abhimanyu was annoyed seeing Yash and Anjali. Meera tried speaking to him but he did not seem to convince.

Abhimanyu: Is he insulting me by exchanging ring with some random girl who doesn't have any identity ? What background does she have ? Tell him not to announce his engagement now. I don't want to get ashamed for his deeds.

Yash who happened to hear this turned wrapped a hand around Meera's shoulder.

Yash: Maa, you really need to know Anjali before our marriage and I will let you know soon and I don't want to hear anything bad about Anjali.

Abhimanyu stared at Yash who just left returning the stare. He came to Anjali and his friends who were chitchatting pulling Anjali's leg for her stunt in the past five days.

Yash: Enough guys stop it. Time to meet the press so I m taking Anjali with me.

Yash took Anjali's hand and walked ahead and Nanda moved quickly before him and cleared the media from rushing over them. As soon as they came infront of the press Yash snaked his hand around Anjali's waist and they stood proudly as the lights flashed on them and were bombarded with questions making Yash smile at them. The very first time his photo was clicked with a smile.

Yash: Good afternoon everyone. Thank you for coming over on our request. Answering to all your questions " I m proud, happy, excited and overwhelmed to introduce Anjali my love, my soulmate. We got engaged today and our marriage will happen in a week. Will let you know further details sooner. Thank you"

Yash moved from there without waiting for anymore questions and chuckling at the shocked Anjali and entered the ball room. All the guest and Dhiya, Nila, Rishi and Abhimanyu family who were watching the live of Yash's press meet were shocked when he announced his marriage in a week.

Meera: Yash, why did you announce for a short period?

Yash: Don't worry about the arrangements maa I can take care.

Abhimanyu: I want Goutham's marriage to happen first.

Yash: As you wish and do whatever you want but my marriage will happen in seven days and no changes in that.

Yash came back to his friends who were staring at him still.

Yash: Why do you all stare at me now ?

Anjali: Why did you announce the marriage in a short period Yash ?

Yash: Its bad actually leaving you for seven days. What if you come again saying she said that and that saint said this ? you are not going anywhere or meeting anyone without until the marriage is completed. You will be under surveillance until marriage.

Anjali pouted at him with a pleading look but he just shook his head in denial and sat opposite to her.

Dhiya: Ok then we will take Anju to our apartment. Until marriage let her stay with us. We will take strict care of her.

Yash: No, nothing doing. Let her stay in mansion only.

Dhiya: Atleast for three days before your marriage. We don't you both to meet each other. Also we want to do all rituals for Anjali.

Yash: Just three days right ? You both stay in mansion with her and do all the rituals. For those three days I will stay with Rishi. problem solved.

Nila: ok then, we have lot of work to do. This girl and this man always make us feel like we are put into a pressure cooker. Comelets go home and we have lot of work to do.

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