Chapter - 113

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Recap: Yash wins his first fight in the tournament.


Life has never been a cupcake for Meera ever since she decided to adopt Yash. Her marital life had been the loveliest with Abhimanyu being crazy over her. He had never failed as a husband to her even after Goutham was born and his love for Yash vanished. All these years she lived the life being a referee to three men probably a saviour of the family reputation and saviour of Yash from his emotional breakdowns.

She longed for a day when the three men of her family would be together and happy but that never happened but reality hit her soon and she knew that there would a day to witness the worse out of them for each other. Though she was mentally prepared for it her heart was sacred like a hell everytime she thought of such day. She would move to the art room which was made by Abhimanyu for her especially facing the sea. She could relax sitting in the balcony watching the sea that gave her peace when she had no one to share her pain. There were countless days when she sit and sob in solitude.

Today she was again in the balcony of the art room watching the sea, her heart holding the long burden of sorrow. Her vision blurred and she realized that there were tears. She wiped those tears and stood holding the railings. She wanted someone to cry her heart and scream the pain she was going through.

Yash had many times knew her and asked her to open up and cry to him but she restrained from doing as he has already so many on his plate. All her trance were broken when Vinitha came and knocked on the door calling her. Her voice was filled with anxiety.

Meera wiped her face with her pallu and quickly moved to check on Vinitha who has now become a companion to her in sorrow. Opening the door she saw Vinitha face filled with tension and worry.

Meera: Vinitha, what happened ? Are you not feeling well.. shall we go the hospital or shall I call the doctor ?

Vinitha: Maa, you are needed in the living. There is some unwanted guest to meet you.

Meera: Who has come ?

Vinitha: Lets go maa, hope our day goes well.

Both went to the living room and saw Varushini sitting relaxed in the couch and smiled at them.

Meera: Varushini what are you doing here ?

Varushini: I m fine but sorry I can't call you maa like older days.

Varushini stood and her little baby bump came into view to Meera shocking her.

Meera: you are pregnant ?

Varushini: Yes, I m pregnant so thought of giving you the information on it.

Meera: Congrats, when is your marriage and who is your fiance ?

Varushini: Actually you will love the surprise. I wanted to get married soon but you see my fiance is taking too much time to break this news to his family so I thought of taking the initiative.

Vinitha clutched Meera's hand in nervousness. Meera eyed her to relax and turned to Varushini.

Meera: So what brought you here ?

Varushini: Right I m here to...

Before she could finish Abhimanyu walked in and saw the three ladies in the living.

Abhimanyu: Whats happening here ?

Varushini: Ohh baby, you are here. See I came to make your work simple.

She walked to him and side hugged him and laid her head on his chest. Meera stood in shock and her whole world crumbled under her feet. Tears found its way to her cheeks. Vinitha closed her mouth to the greatest shock. She came out of the shock when she saw Meera taking slow steps and her legs were wobbling. She held Meera's shoulder as she walked towards Abhimanyu.

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