Chapter - 58

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Recap: Yash and Anjali do the pooja for the construction of the new office.


Yash and Nanda stopped their practice and saw Anjali waiting for them. They got down from the ring and walked to her. Anjali quickly gave the towel and juice to them. Nanda took the juice and saw Nila calling.

Anjali: what brother ? do you plans is it ?

Nanda: hmm. I said I will take her for dinner so she is calling for that.

Yash: you should have told and left early then. Now leave quickly or she will call me and start roasting for holding you. She is a bigger rowdy than you.

Anjali laughed to his comment and bade bye to Nanda who rushed out.

Yash: Nanda lock the door with code before you leave.

Nanda replied ok and rushed to leave and Yash turned to Anjali who was looking at him.

Yash: Sweety Nanda has gone and you could get a towel and help me wipe the sweat now.

He removed his vest and threw the towel to her and started to sip the juice. Anjali took the towel and started to wipe the sweat from his body but couldn't hide her blush.

Anjali: Yash shall I do exercise from tomorrow?

Yash: Why wait till tomorrow ? Start from today. Go get dressed, I will wait here.

Anjali quickly went to their room and came back wearing a T shirt and track pant and stood before him.

Yash: What is with you wearing T shirt now ? We are working out in our gym so why don't you try something different ?

Anjali smirked at him and moved to the cupboard and picked the yoga mat and dropped in on the floor.

Yash: you know yoga ?

Anjali: I know many things Mr. Yash...

She slowly tossed her T shirt and stood sexily in a short tank top revealing her bare waist and looked at Yash who gulped at her. He sat on the couch with his legs across and watched her swiftly bending her body to her every posture. He was looking at her waist which bent and twisted so flexibly.

Yash Mv: There is something in that wasist that keeps me tempting to hold it immediately. 

He choked on the juice looking at her cleavage when she bent. He took short quick breathes to control when she started breathing exercise in one of the aasanas which made her chest raise and fall.

Yash Mv: Did she really come here to do yoga or to tease me ?

Once Anjali finished she relaxed and was about to get up but before that Yash walked to her and gave his hands to hold. Anjali took his hands and he pulled her to him and she dashed on his chest. He traced his fingers on her bare waist and moved to her arms and reached her neck.

Yash: Madam you are very fit so why don't you learn kick boxing. I can teach you.

Yash intertwined his one leg with her and did a sweep move and lifted her holding her waist.

Anjali: Sure but recommend someone who could teach me without touching me Yash darling.

He slowly nibbled her earlobe and gently started biting her cheeks.

Yash: fine lets play a game and if you win then I will recommend someone else you will listen to me.

Anjali: No way. You are cheater and I m not playing any game with you.

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