Chapter - 129

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Recap: Varushini keeps Goutham under her spell. Vinitha leaves AM Residence after knowing Goutham living with Varushini.


Meera and Abhimanyu were in the living having their morning coffee.

Meera: Abhi I think we should make our will before its too late.

Abhimanyu: Even I thought of it. I will call the lawyer tomorrow and we shall do it.

Meera: Goutham doesn't seem to listen to us nor he is ready to leave that bitch. We cannot risk giving him anything now.

Abhimanyu: I m planning something that would get some sense in him and he will leave her. What about making Anika baby the only person to get everything. She will be legally handling everything when she is major until then Goutham and Vinitha together can take care of everything.

Meera: What if Goutham plans to divorce Vinitha ?

Abhimanyu: Then he will have to walk out of AM groups. I can't risk all my hard work when he is busy behind that whore.

Meera: I want to give all shares and properties in my name to Vinitha and Anjali. I hope you don't mind.

Abhimanyu: It is your wish and I won't interfere in it. Do as you want. Let me inform lawyer to get the papers ready.

Goutham and Varushini who were listening to their conversation got raged in anger. Varushini had fixed a bug in few places to know what was happening at AM Residence and with the help of the audio receiver they knew everything that was discussed there.

Varushini: See I told you. Your mother has changed and now she is ready to give everything to those bitches rather than her son. Your father wants to give everything to that bastard daughter. What are you going to do now. Tomorrow they will make their will legally and we can't do anything later. We will lose everything.

Goutham kicked the teapoy table in frustration.

Goutham: If they despise me that much then why should I bother for them. If they are ready to disown me let them do it. I don't care and I will disown them. I m not their son anymore. I know how to get what is mine.

Varushini: First we need to stop them from making this will. Later we can think of getting that in your name.

Goutham: How do we stop ? should I contact the lawyer and bribe him to work in our favour ?

Varushini: He is a loyal man to your father and will never do that. We should do something big that will stop them thinking of this plan.


Next day evening at YM Mansion Anjali called Yash who was in office with Rishi, Dhiya and Nila for an emergency meeting. Looking at her name Yash excused from the meeting.

Yash: Enna ma, are you good ?

Anjali: Yash, I want to see Meera maa shall I go to meet her. Please.

Yas: Seri ma. Wait for me. I will take you after my meeting.

Anjali: How long will it take ?

Yash: I just came to office today after a week. Give me one or two hours I will be back to you and take you anywhere you want.

Anjali: Seri I will get ready and wait for you.

Yash cut the call and went inside the conference before he could start the meeting his mobile rang with call from Abimanyu. Abhimanyu had never made call to Yash and this is very rare happening so he answered the call. The next moment his mobile was on the floor and he stood froze. Rishi, Dhiya and Nila rushed by his side and Rishi took the mobile and spoke to Abhimanyu. He cut the call and turned to the employees to leave the conference room.

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