Chapter - 120

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Recap: Yash and Anjali get treated and Rishi makes arrangement to get them back to Chennai


Excitement, Fear, Anxiety, Nostalgia, Distress not all these words from the vocabulary would describe the series of emotions the three couples went through in the past one week. They felt drained of the consequences. End of the day Yash and Anjali were safe. Its not that their fight is over but they had to take a break before getting into the many other fights and threats awaiting for them. For now they are happy, for the one thing they all craved for these many months. Anjali's pregnancy was the one heart felt happiness they all were enjoying right now.

They all returned to Chennai in the private jet with extra care. With doctors and nurses accompanied Yash during his air travel and they stayed until he was taken care by the doctors in the hospital at Chennai.

Yash was under strong imprisonment of Anjali to be in complete rest for two months and he dared not to go against her and obeyed her words. His friends were enjoying the site of him being bossed by Anjali. They all were settled on the couch of the VVIP ward minding their business. Anjali was cutting fruits for him and he cleared his throat a little loud to gain all their attention. Nila raised her eyebrows questioning him.

Yash: I think this high time you all should open up.

Anjali: Open up what ?

Yash: Anjali....

His stern voice made everyone understand that he was serious and turned their attention to him completely.

Yash: Come on, tell me what is that you guys are holding from me.

Rishi: We wanted you to get better first.

Yash: Cut the crap and tell me why did you hide my mobile and stopped anyone from reaching me. Why did the girls arrive all of sudden at Delhi. Don't tell they wanted to surprise me. I know what the look my wife gives on surprising me. Come on now.

Anjali: Yash, please don't get stressed.

Yash: Look at me Anjali now.....

Anjali looked into his eyes and that was enough for her and she could not hold any more secrets from him.

Anjali: Varushini is back and she is pregnant.

Yash stayed calm letting her to continue.

Nila: She met Anjali at the site and told her that you are the baby daddy. The same day Anjali fell from the fifth floor of the site and luckily the nets on the third floor saved her.

Yash snapped his head at Anjali who had her head low looking at her lap.

Yash: Did you believe her ?

Anjali: Hell no....Why would I believe her ? Its just that the information she told me got the stress out and I fell unconscious.

Nanda: She is pregnant with Abhi sir's child.

Yash: Whattttt ? Are you serious ?

Nanda informed him everything Varushini did in his absence. Yash stayed calm for a while lost in thoughts and did not speak a word.

Anjali: Meera maa is devastated. Vinitha is taking care of her now. We will meet her once you get better.

They all waited for him speak something but he stayed quite and looked at Anjali.

Anjali: Yash, speak something..

Yash: I think you all should return home to rest. I will be fine and anyhow I will be discharged in two days.

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