Chapter - 50

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Recap: Anjali goes shopping with her friends. Yash and Rishi follow them hiding their identity


Yash got refreshed after having a nap and made coffee for him. Since it was weekend and he wanted to spend some time with Anjali, Geetha was given off for the two days. After having his coffee he made her favourite dinner and waited for Anjali to return. He was watching business news when Anjali entered the home. she quickly pecked his cheek and sat next to him thrwing all the bags in the couch.

Yash: You said you will return by evening  and what time are you back now ? How long I have been waiting for you.

Anjali: sorry sorry. Now I m back so stop sulking.

Yash called her to have dinner and she quickly ran to their room to have bath before having dinner. She wore a floral gown and came to the dining and joined him for dinner. She was explaining all their atrocities in the mall and he was admiring her smile and quickly pulled her and pecked the corner of her lips.

Yash: Sorry sweety. Your smile was tempting and I couldn't control.

Anjali: You have become naughty these days.

Yash: Ok listen. We need to get ready early morning tomorrow. I have so many plans for tomorrow.

Anjali: Anything special ?

Yash: May be we can make it special...

They finished dinner and washed the plates and moved to their room.

Anjali: Shall we watch movie ?

Yash: sure but before that try the dress I bought for you. I need to see if that is ok for you or we will buy another dress.

Anjali: what costume have you got for me ? I m curious now.

Yash opened his closet and gave her a box. Anjali opened it and took the dress in her hand and gasped and quickly placed it inside the box and turned to him.

Anjali: what is this ? I haven't wore anything like this before.

Yash: And thats why I bought you that. Try it for me.

Anjali: no way. I m not wearing anything like this.

Yash: Please Anjali you will look gorgeous in it. You wear it and I won't force you to wear for the ceremony if it doesn't suit you. Try it once.

Anjali: Yash, how will I wear this ?

Yash: Shall I help you..

Anjali: God, How will I wear this without any straps ?

Yash: Hey, What are you asking ? I don't understand anything what you say.

Anjali: Stupid. How will I wear this without any inner wear ? Look this has deep back too.

Yash: You don't have to wear inner wear for this. It is designed with it. Nothing bad in trying something new for the first time so go wear it please.

Anjali: Please Yash. Should I wear this for sure ?

Yash's face fell and he took the dress return from her.

Yash: Its ok you don't have to. I will return it. We will buy something else which you will be comfortable.

Anjali: Don't be upset all of a sudden for this now.

She pulled the dress from him and moved to the closet while Yash waited for her. After few minutes Anjali came out wearing the deep blue off shoulder dress that reached her knees. She walked slowly and cleared her throat and yash turned to see her. His eyes refused to blink at her beauty.

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