Chapter - 122

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Recap: Yash meets Meera and Abhi feels shamed of him when Yash choose to trust Abhi.


Tiwari opened the door holding the hair of the girl in one hand but the scene infront of him made him regret for his life. There were a group of people raging in anger and the next moment he left her hair. She moved aside and the people started hitting Tiwari black and blue. He was shouting for his life but none gave hears to his plea and continued thrashing him.

Out of the crowd he heard someone saying to stop beating and to call police. Immediately they stopped and the people left the place but one man with mask stood looking at him. His eyes reflected smirk and anger. Tiwari had no energy to lift his body to confront him.

But from his eyes the man understood and removed his mask with a devilish grin.

Tiwari: Na....Nan...

Nanda: Yes, are you Tiwari...Good to see you like this. Hold on are you confused on what is happening to you ?

Good, let me tell you. The girl who came to you was sent by me. She was an abandoned girl who got raped by your so called dead son. She wanted revenge and helped me. Do you know how ? She made a live telecast of you forcing on her. Many wanted to reach here and slash you but I made that simple by arranging my own people which now appeared like public got punished you. So now no one will raise doubt in your death.

Oh sorry I broke the secret about your death. Anyway you got to know but before that you need to meet my boss.

Nanda took Yash on a video call.

Yash: Hello Mr. Tiwari. Happy to see you. Do you remember I warned you to stay away from me. I m not the one to be messed with but you never listened to me. You should have scared atleast with your son's death because of me but you were not. so get what you deserve. I should have been there to kill you from my own hands but the gift you gave me stopped it.

My wife is pregnant and she must have found a wonderful place and situation to express it to me but you made her cry and plead me to stay alive for her and our child. You made her vulnerable and she was broken within an hour of knowing that she is pregnant with my child.

See I hate to see tears in her eyes and I hate the person who are reason for it and now you are the reason that she cried instead of being happy so I should punish you brutally.

Happy death Tiwari go to hell.

Nanda proceed.

Nanda nodded and grabbed Tiwari's collars and punched his face brutally.

Nanda: How dare you plan to kill my boss. How dare you made my sister cry for her love life. bastard you did plan to hit the chest of my boss right, then let me give you the same.

Nanda started punching Tiwari's chest non-stop that all his ribs broke yet he did not stop until Tiwari gasped a heavy breathe and lost his life. Nanda's knuckles were swollen and covered with Tiwari's blood. He cut the call of Yash and made a few calls to make the death appear a public execution and left from the farm house.

All the social media and TV news channel were breaking the headlines of the brutal murder of Tiwari by the public. The girl who was molested by Tiwari gave interview that she was kidnapped and sent to Tiwari. She was quick to get help by turning live of her facebook.

Anjali, Dhiya, Nila were watching the news while Rishi and Yash stayed silent without any reaction.

Yash: Anjali stop seeing such news, not good for my prince.

Nila: He is a mix of human and demon

Anjali: He deserved it. Even I would have killed him if got a chance. How dare he tried to kill my Yash.

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