Chapter - 22

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Recap: Yash buy costume for Anjali and insults the girl who slapped Anjali at the boutique.


Yash was in a meeting with his partners along with Rishi and Anjali was sitting next to Yash and making notes of the meeting and giving the files required. The meeting was going on for a long time and Anjali was feeling tired. Yash noticed her face and called for a break to have lunch. Rishi arranged lunch for the partners. Yash moved to his room for lunch and he informed Anjali to have the lunch and join them for meeting.

Anjali slumped on her seat and leaned back and closed her eyes out of tiredness. Yash came out to take a file from Anjali's desk and saw her leaning back tired and returned to his room without disturbing her. Anjali washed her face and had lunch and felt a little refreshing. she knocked on the door and entered when Yash called her.

Anjali: Sir, shall I inform Rishi sir to resume the meeting ?

Yash: Yes inform him and you can stay and continue your other works. I will call you if required.

Anjali: hmm ok sir.

Yash wore his blazer and smiled at her before leaving the room. Anjali continued her work and waited for the meeting to get over. It was almost evening and Yash and Rishi was still in meeting and the employees started to leave the office. Anjali started arranging the files in the rack to spend the time. After sometime she felt someone standing behind her. she around and got startled when she saw a man standing close to her with a smug smile on his face. It was Goutham but Anjali doesn't know him. She was feeling restless out of fear when he placed his hands on either side of her and locked her.

Goutham: Hi gorgeous, so you are the new beautiful PA.....

Anjali reminded silent and she tried to move away but he didn't let her.

Goutham:  How does Yash all the beautiful girls as his PA ? How about you becoming my PA ? I will pay you as much you want....

Yash finished his meeting and came out and saw Goutham and Anjali. His nerves bulged out o anger and he clenched his teeth and stormed towards them.

Yash: What the hell are you doing here Goutham ?

Goutham took his hands and Yash pulled Anjali holding her wrist and stared at her with blood shot eyes. Rishi rushed to Yash and held his hands from hitting Goutham when he smiled annoying Yash.

Rishi: Goutham , come to Yash room. Will speak there.

Rishi pulled Yash to his room and Goutham followed them. Yash stood beside his desk and as soon as Goutham entered he grabbed his collars and pushed him against the wall.

Yash: Why did you come here ? Didn't you get the business you wanted then why are you here annoying bloody idiot..

Gou: Cool bro...Why are you annoyed ? She is just your PA right then why are you stressed so much for her ? .....oh oh oh... so is she more than your PA ?

Yash: That is none of your business. She is my employee and I don't want you around my staffs so keep your ass out of office.

Gou: Ok fine I will meet her out of your office.. you see she is a masterpiece man... such a lovely

Before he could complete Yash punched his face and blood oozed from his mouth.

Yash: I m sparing you only for the sake of amma so don't you dare to test my patience... I will slaughter you and throw the pieces into the sea. I won't be scared for anyone. Get out.

Rishi pulled Yash back and showed the door to Goutham to leave from there.

Gou: You weren't scared so far but looks like there is someone for whom you would be scared. Rishi brother take care.

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