Chapter - 31

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Recap: Anjali and Yash are kidnapped


Yash was beating the goon who was in his hold and the same while he heard Anjali's voice. She was screaming..

Anj: Yaaaaasssshhhhhhh

Yash immediately turned and saw the hooligan approaching with a knife and Anjali stood before Yash to save him but Yash pulled her with him and dodged from the stab. They fell on the ground and Yash stood quickly and held the hooligan's hand and flipped him down within seconds and knocked him out. He then rushed to Anjali and she hugged him immediately with tears and he reciprocated her hug.

Anjali: Nothing happened to you right ?

Yash: I m fine..

He kissed her forehead.

Yash: I got scared. I told you to leave then why did you come back ?

Anjali: How could I leave ? what if something happened to you ?

Yash: so what if something happened ?

Anjali pulled back from the hug and started moving away but he held her wrist and pulled her back to him and wiped her tears.

Yash: You called my name... accept Anjali that you care for me and you are attracted to me and you have feelings for me like I do.

Anjali: Yes I care for you, I m attracted to you and have feelings for you but I m scared to let it grow. I m not suitable for you any way. I m just an orphan, I m poor, I m not beautiful and I don't have any class to match you.

Yash: shhhhhhh I don't care about the money, fame or class and you are the most beautiful girl I have seen. Please give a chance to this bond lets take it slow and you need not be scared I m there for you. We will name this relation when you are ready.

Anjali: hmmmm ok.

Anjali hummed and nodded her head as they hugged each other with tears in their eyes.

Yash: Now call me Yash once more...

Anjali: No I won't. lets leave this place first..there is a surprise when we got out.

They walked hand in hand and Yash was shocked to see the place.

Anjali: Look there is nothing as far as we could see. How could we return now ?

Yash: Lets walk to see if there is any road or any people.

Anjali: You fight very well. Are you Trained ?

Yash: Yes, I love kick boxing may be If I had not been a CEO then sure I would have become a boxer.

Anjali: ohhhh


Nanda passed information to Rishi and he was in the police station checking every CCTV to find Yash and Anjali but after a point there were no coverages and they could not find them. Nanda left the police station and tried to get few local goons to identify the gang who kidnapped Yash and Anjali. He passed their photos and informed them to search Yash and Anjali and promised to pay a huge amount in turn.

Nanda reached the last place they saw in the CCTV and tried searching for them and asked many people showing their photos. The police was also searching them as Rishi contacted the embassy and gave them pressure to speed up the operation. It was almost a day and they could not find Yash and Anjali. The GPS tracker from Yash watch led to a location where they found the watch alone.

Yash and Anjali were sitting on a rock as she was very tired of walking.

Anjali: How long it would have been after being kidnapped ?

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