Chapter - 25

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Recap: Yash teases Anjali at office and take her for dinner before dropping at home.


Anjali laid on the couch lazily watching TV. Dhiya and Nila sat opposite to her and watched TV but Anjali was lost in thoughts of Yash that she didn't react to Dhiya who was calling her. Nila threw a pillow on her and Anjali jerked and sat on the couch.

Anjali: What happened girl  ?

Nil: How long Dhiya has been calling you and where are you lost madam ? What were you thinking ?

Anjali: I need to say something to you both..

Nila&Dhiya: just something ?

Bothe hified and looked Anjali who stared at them. Then she explained about Yash hurting her, resigning the job and how Yash reached their home. she cut the part that she appeared in her in skirt and blouse before him and Yash hugging her. She hinted them about Yash teasing her and also that he took her for dinner the previous day. Dhiya and Nila looked at each other and sat close to Anjali.

Dhiya: Anjali, naanga already sonnadhu dhan. Not all are same. Just because of your past don't spoil your future too. If he is really good to you and if you like him then why do you want to forbid his feelings for him ?

Anjali: Dhiya, all of a sudden a girl walks in and claim to be his girlfriend or his fiance. This doesn't suit me. .

Nila: It was them who said as his fiance. Did Yash sir ever say or confirm that ?

Anjali: He never said anything like that but I m scared.

Dhiya: Get lost with your fears. But think Anjali how long will you stay like this. Don't you really want a future where you will get only love for the rest f your life?

Nila: Yash sir is short tempered but doesn't he convince you immediately ? Atleast he is realising his mistakes and asking for a chance. We are not compelling you. Just if you really like him and feel safe with him why not give a chance ?

Dhiya: Now tell me do you feel scared when he comes around you ?

Anjali: No and I don't why I m not scared.

Dhiy: find the answer yourself. Ask your heart and mind. What does it want. Don't miss the chance Life give you. Think well before decide anything.

Anjali: hmmm.  I will think of it.

Nila:  Get ready for the party in the evening. Yash sir should just faint looking at you.

Anjali: Very important right ? Get out and look after your work now.

Dhiya: We will dress you for the party just like a princess. You should arrive at the party like a Cindrella.

Anjali: don't cake my face. I will go sleep and wake me up for lunch.

She walked to her room and laid down to sleep but her mobile rang irritating her and she took the mobile and saw the call was from Yash.

Anjali: why is he calling me now ? and that a video call ?

She checked herself in mirror once and answered the call.

Anjali: Yes sir...

Yash saw her wearing a T shirt and her hair was tied in a messy bun with few strands of hair on her face.

Yash Mv: I did a mistake by doing a video call. Seems like sh eis yet to bath still she is disturbing my mind. How long should I wait for her ?

His thoughts were stopped when Anjali screamed calling him.

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