Chapter - 126

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Recap: Abhi and Meera lash at Goutham and warn him to get back with his family. Varushini owes to ruin everyone.


A week later Goutham went to Vinitha and behaved very formally and looked at his daughter. Though he could see a part of him in her his vengeance mind did not let his ego.

Vinitha: Why are you here if you don't want to touch your own daughter ?

Goutha: I don't have experience in carrying a baby. Now I m here to take you back home. Get your things packed. Will leave quickly.

Vinitha: what does this mean. You did not want to see my face and now you want me to come back home. May I know the reason behind the sudden change ?

Goutha: My dad and mom want me to get back with my family.

Vinitha: So you don't want me or our daughter ?

Goutha: I m not here to argue with you. I still hate you. Either come with me or I will send papers for divorce. Just sign it and get out of my life once for all. Remember you won't get anything in return because I myself don't own anything.

I m meeting a friend and will be back in one hour so by the time decide and let me know.

Goutham left and Vinitha called Meera and informed her about Goutham's arrival and his terms.

Meera: Vinitha, I suggest you return home now. We will handle him later.

Vinitha: He is blackmailing me to return or sign the divorce papers. How can I trust in him for my future ?

Meera: I hope our angel will change him when she is constantly before him. His heart will definitely melt for her. Everything will change.

Vinitha: I still don't believe him maa.

Meera: At the end of the day even if Goutham is not ready to accept you remember that you and our angel will be my responsibility and you can rely on me for future. I will make sure you have a future safe and secured.

Vinitha: I m coming only for you maa.

Meera: Come back. Can't wait to lift my princess in my arms.

That evening Goutham came back and took Vinitha and the baby back to AM Residence. Meera welcomed them happily. Meera took the baby to Vinitha's room which was renovated and had a beautiful crib for the baby. Vinitha was watching Meera pampering the child.

Meera: Vinitha we shall have the naming ceremony in two days. We need a name for our princess.

Vinitha: Sure maa. do you want me do anything for that ?

Meera: I will take care of everything. You just choose a name for her.

Vinitha: Sure maa.

Their conversation was interrupted when Goutham entering calling his mother.

Meera: What do you want Goutham ?

Goutha: I have arranged a maid to take care of my wife and the child. She is down in the living and will stay in our employee quarters.

Meera: We have enough of maids already and I can take care of princess why do we need a maid for that ?

Goutham: so now you don't want me to do anything to care for her is it ?

Meera: I did not mean that way. Anyhow let her stay but she can prepare food for Vinitha and clean the room. As for princess she can do only if she is asked to do.

Goutham: Do as you wish.

Meera: We are having the naming ceremony in two days. Don't have any plans and try to spend as much as time possible with princess.

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