Chapter - 49

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Recap: Anjali and Yash get to their usual form and return to office for work


Yash and Anjali were in their room and she received a call from Dhiya and she was talking to her and Yash was looking at her like admiring his favourite candy. She signalled him to follow and they walked to the garden and she continued talking while he waited for her to finish. They were seated in the couch and the cool air hit them making her hair wave on her face. He moved the strand behind her ears and she finished the call and turned to him.

Yash: Finally you are done. What would you talk for so long ?

Anjali: We are going for shopping tomorrow.

Yash: you should have told me. I would have arranged for the best designers from the best boutique.

Anjali: Who wants your boutique ? We would go to mall, have ice cream, stroll around leisurely. You won't come to malls and even if you make your appearance then you will be swarmed my people to click photos. So I will go with Dhiya, Nila and Saran.

Yash pulled her to his lap and hugged her.

Yash: I thought of spending time with you tomorrow but its ok you will be with me the whole Sunday.

Anjali: Deal.....When are you going start practice for kick boxing ?

Yash: I have informed Nanda to get our gym renovated with a ring to start practice. We have enough time for the tournament. I need to prepare before that.

Anjali: hmm... the climate is chill right ?

He hugged her tight giving his warmth to her. Anjali laid on his shoulder and he kissed her cheeks. She smiled with a blush and he quickly kissed her lips and nibbled and sucked and she too responded to him. He deepened the kiss shoving his tongue exploring her mouth. As their lungs were knocked out of air he pulled back and kissed her philtrum.

Morning Anjali got ready quickly in a jean and T shirt and Yash was looking at her sadly who was rushing to pick her things.

Anjali: I m not cancelling plan for any of your drama. I m going today. No changes.. tomorrow is our day promise. Now be a good boy at home and I will be back by evening.

Yash: Go away girl. What will I do alone all day ?

Anjali hugged him and kissed his chest over his shirt.

Anjali: sleep well and will have a movie night..

Yash: What is with you leaving me after starting everything ?

Anjali: It means I will complete when I m back in the evening. Now bye...take care..

She quickly came out and joined Dhiya, Saran and Nila who was waiting in the scooty. Anjali introduced Saran to Yash and then bid bye and left the mansion.

Yash called Rishi and gave him some idea to join the girls and he quickly got dressed in a jean and hoodie. He wore a mask and coolers and pulled the hoodie over his head covering his identity completely. Rishi came the same way and they used Nanda's car and reached the mall.

Rishi: Dude we don't know where would they be ?

Yash: She did shopping recently so sure Anjali would have taken them to some ice cream or candy shop.

They searched them in every shop of each floor and finally saw them in fun city playing among the kids. Anjali was enjoying as she played every games along with the children there. Yash moved to the counter and instructed them to recharge her card to play unlimitedly and paid for it.

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