Queen Bee

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A/N: Credit to Renowned-Wolf for helping with a few things

The Following Night

You and Loona are shown sitting in the back of a car on your way to a party that Tex and Roxy invited you to. The two of you are shown looking a little uncomfortable.

Y/N: Are you nervous?

Loona: What? No. No! (nervous chuckle) Why? Are you?

Y/N: A little. This is the first time I've ever been invited to a party, given that humans really aren't as accepting of dorks as demons are.

Loona: Well, at least we'll be there to support each other.

The two of you lean in and share a gentle yet passionate kiss as your driver pulls up to a huge mansion. You pull out your phone and text Tex and Roxy.

Y/N: (over text) Hey, we're her. Oh shit. *here, sry :)

The two of you look around uncomfortably until Tex and Roxy appear a few seconds later.

Tex & Roxy: Y/N! Loona!

The two of them kiss you.

Roxy: Glad you could make it!

Y/N: Yeah, hey. Thanks for inviting us.

The four of you walk into the mansion.

Tex: Course! Course! Hey, everyone! Meet the new faces!

She and Roxy howl in excitement, prompting everyone else to do the same.

Your three hellhound girlfriends then nuzzle against you.

Y/N: Not that I'm opposed to this, at all, but what brought this on?

Roxy: Just need to make sure any bitches with bad intentions know who you belong to tonight, Prey. And in case that doesn't work...

She kisses you, leaving a lipstick mark.

Tex: Hey, don't leave me out now.

She does the same.

Loona: Sounds like you both forget who the Queen Bitch is.

She does the same, and also gives you a love bite.

Loona: There. Now there's no denying your *ours*.

You blush and nod while getting a slight nosebleed.

Tex: You two want a drink or anything?

Y/N: Oh, uh- sure, totally.

Tex and Roxy give you another kiss before walking off, leaving you and Loona feeling awkward surrounded by people you don't know.

Your eyes fall on a familiar trio of Valley Girl-esque Hellhounds.

Vikki: And so, I told him "I'm not gonna go get it, unless you fucking throw it this time."

Ruffette: That is so, not fetch!

Vikki: Not fetch!

Before Vikki could continue, Loona chimes in nervously before you can stop her.

Loona: (nervously) Ha, ha, ha, yeah! Like, that happens all the time. Aha...aha...

Vikki: Oh-em-gee. Loona? "Lunatic Luna"? That you?

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