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A/N: Thanks to Renowned-Wolf for helping with a few things.

Episode begins with a wide shot of Asmodeous' place, in which we see her bedroom. She is shown in bed with Fizz.

An alarm clock shaped like a rooster with an erected penis goes off, which wakes up Fizz.

She punches the clock and stretches her arms out to the kitchen, passing by Raphielle to make herself some coffee.

But, she burns herself so she takes the whole pot back, passing the same laundry woman from before, making her twirl in place, and sets it on a desk

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But, she burns herself so she takes the whole pot back, passing the same laundry woman from before, making her twirl in place, and sets it on a desk. She stretches out and grabs one of her hats, and stretches. Fizz grabs the coffee and drinks it, before throwing it away and stretching herself above Ozzie.

Fizz: Rise and shine, Ozzie!

Fizz shakes an airhorn and blows it, startling Ozzie, who lays back down.

Fizz: Huehahahahaha!

Ozzie: (groans) Ugh, again with the horn?

She turns in bed, covering her head with her pillow.

Fizz: Don't blame me, blame how fuckin' fun they are!

She blows the horn again.

Fizz: M'kay, SO; Today you have a meeting with the distributor about the new shipment of vvvibrators. Then you gotta host a safety meeting because of what happened with the old shipment of vvvibrators. And then, you have a nooner with Prince Stolas.

As she speaks, Asmodeus gets out of bed and puts on her robe.

Ozzie: (sighs) You scheduled me during lunch?

Fizz: Well, you're pretty good at "squeezing things in".

As she speaks she squeezes the robe in, eyeing Ozzie's butt, before stretching onto her shoulder.

Fizz: But I left time for a big ol' breakfast!

Ozzie: Lemme guess, I'm handling that too?

Fizz: I mean, unless you want me to take a crack at cooking again?

Ozzie: Ahahahahaha— NO. Never again.

Fizz: Whaaat? Maybe I could burn the milk this time!

Ozzie: Stoooop...~

Fizz: OH! You know what I'm craving? Burgers!

Ozzie: No! It's too early for burgers, ya maniac!

Fizz: Burger time! Burger time! Burger time!

The two laugh together.

In the kitchen, while Ozzie hums, making breakfast, Fizz opens up a newspaper. An article reads- "Queen of Ozz—A HYPOCRITE?!" Fizz nervously crumples the paper, stuffs it into a trash bin, then proceeds to throw the entire bin out of a window, which hits someone on the street. Ozzie opens the door to the refrigerator, which lacks milk.

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