Mother's Day

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A/N: Thanks to Renowned-Wolf for helping with a couple things.

Scene opens on you in the Hotel lobby with IMP, Verosika's crew, and the Hotel crew.

You take a long swig of your third beer as everyone else looks a little concerned.

Loona: Puppy, I've usually not one to judge how much someone else drinks, but are you sure you're feeling ok?

Y/N: (a little slurred) Yeah, I'm fine. ...I'm fine! I just get a little out of it on Mother's Day is all, considering mine was a terrible person who abused me for years. 

You stand up and stumble a little before Verosika gently makes you sit back down.

Y/N: ...Wasn't I just standing?

Charlie: Y/N, I know that your mother treated you horribly when she was alive, but now that she's had some time to reflect on her actions, do you think that you could maybe make ame-

Angel and Vaggie both make the "cut it out" gesture.

Y/N: Look, Charlie, I know your heart's in the right place, but that thing that called itself my mother for years, and any other abuser, never deserves forgiveness. 

Charlie: I understand. I won't push it.

You take a deep breath before there's knocking on the door.

Y/N: Is anyone expecting anyone?

Everyone shakes their heads as the knocking becomes louder and more persistent. 

Charlie: It *could* be someone wanting to redeem themselves?

She and Vaggie answer the door, the latter with her spear at the ready, seeing Victoria standing outside.

Y/N: (shocked sober) O_O

Alastra: (glaring)

Charlie: Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel, Ma'am. How can we-?

Victoria brushes past them before Vaggie movies to intercept her.

Vaggie: (pointing her spear) Look, lady. You can't just show up here without saying why. Now, what do you want?

Victoria: (scanning the room) Just looking for someone important.

Her eyes fall on you.

Victoria: (fake cheerful) Y/N!

Y/N: Mom?!

Victoria and Millie: Yes?

The two of them glare at each other. 

Victoria: He was talking to his mother, not...whatever you're supposed to be? A servant?

Millie: Feral Imp noises

Pan back to you.

You are shown trying to contain a tremor in your hand as you set your glass back down and a few beads to sweat role down your forehead.

Charlie notices your hand shaking.

Charlie: (concerned) Y/N.

Millie: (concerned) Baby?

Vaggie gently grasps your trembling hand.

Loona wraps her arms around you from behind as Husk readies her playing cards.

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