Date with Tex and Roxy (18+)

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A/N: Credit to Renowned-Wolf for helping with a couple things.

Open on you clocking out of work when you feel two sets of paws wrap around you.

Tex: (seductive) Hey, cutie.

Roxy: (seductive) Hey, prey.

You blush profusely as they kiss you on either cheek, with Roxy leaving a lipstick mark.

Roxy: So we were thinking since we're dating now-

Tex: We take you to one of our favorite places in Gluttony? It's super low-key.

Y/N: Sure, that sounds like it'll be fun.

Tex: You're gonna love it, cutie.

She leans down and licks your face before Roxy does the same.

Cut to half an hour later

The three of you step off an elevator and you take in the sights around you.

The three of you step off an elevator and you take in the sights around you

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Y/N: Wow...gotta say, this isn't what I was expecting on my first trip to Gluttony.

Roxy: You've never been here before?

Y/N: Nope. I spend most of my time in Pride and the only other ring I've been to is Greed, and that was only for a bodyguard gig.

Tex: Well, Gluttony is one of the best rings. Practically no violence, almost no scumbags, and you get to indulge in anything as much as you want.

The three of you enter a diner called "The Dog House", where several Hellhounds are shown talking, dancing, or lounging in booths.



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