Jackpot (18+)

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A/N: Thanks to Renowned-Wolf for helping with a couple things.

Scene opens on you arriving at the Hazbin Hotel for a date with Husk and nervously knocking on the door, with it swinging open to reveal Charlie.

Charlie: (flustered) H-hey, Y/N. What brings you by?

Y/N: Hey, Charlie. Just came by for-

Husk: (off-screen) He's here for me.

She flies out from behind the bar before nuzzling her cheek against yours. 

Charlie: Wait, Husk, we were supposed to-

Husk: I'm sure you can handle the weekly sharing circle without me there, Princess. (flirtatious) Mama's busy right now.

She kisses your cheek, making you flustered and Charlie can't help but feel a pang of jealousy.

Charlie: Right...sure...

She turns away and passive-aggressively mumbles under her breathe.

Charlie: Just trying to get this Hotel in order so that we can show Heaven that Sinners do have a chance of being redeemed, but don't let me stop you!

She turns back to see that you and Husk are gone before groaning in annoyance and shutting the door.

Cut to you and Husk walking through the streets of Hell, with her having her arm hooked through yours while purring.

Husk: Thanks for getting me out of that Hotel, honey. It's *so* boring.

Y/N: It's no problem. But if you don't mind me asking, what exactly is wrong with the Hotel? Sure, it looks kinda ratty, but everyone seems nice enough. Except Niffty, she scares the shit outta me. 

Husk: Alastra dragged Niffty and I there to help out with her new shitty "project" that she randomly shows interest in.

Y/N: And does Alastra have interest in new "projects" often? 

Husk: Eh. Only if she thinks it's "entertaining". But enough about her-

She pulls you closer and wraps one of her wings around you.

Husk: How'd an adorkable stud like you get mixed up in all this bullshit?

Y/N: My first girlfriend, Loona, is a Hellhound that went up to earth when she was bored and that's how we met. Then her adoptive dad and our dumbass boss was messing with something that he didn't understand, and I fell right through a portal, which is how I ended up with IMP. 

The two of you enter a bowling alley set up, with Husk getting numerous gutter balls.

Husk: (sighs) God damn it, this really isn't my game.

Y/N: Well, it's all in the wrist.

You roll your ball and end up getting a perfect strike before Husk kisses you on the cheek, causing you to get flustered. 

Husk: Those are some skilled hands you've got there. (purrs)

She gently takes them and guides them to her hips.

Husk: (purring) I wonder what else they're good for.

Y/N: (flustered) Husk, we're in public.

Husk: So?

She leans down and kisses you gently.

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