Scrambled Eggs

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A/N: Thanks to Renowned-Wolf for helping with a few things.

Scene opens with KeeKee on your lap and being petted by you. Charlie, Vaggie, and Razzle and Dazzle are putting up a poster that says "Happy First Week, Sir Pentious"

Charlie: That looks perfect! Aah! I am so excited that Sir Pentious is staying at the hotel!

Y/N: Pentious just attacked us with his Zeppelin not long ago. Then the only reason he came back was because he was originally spying for the Vees.

Charlie: Well, he apologized and I haven't seen him try anything like that since.

Sir Pentious comes in, rolling in a new machine that his Egg Boiz are sitting on.

Vaggie: What the hell is that?

Sir Pentious: Oh, hello, purple female. It's my new invention, the Skin Flayer 11,000! I'm really looking forward to shooting the other residents.

He points it at you and you give him a "try me" look.

Charlie: What? Why?

Sir Pentious: Everyone is being too nice. Obviously it must be a lie. I can sense that they are planning to kill me, but when? How? I must be prepared! (points at you) Especially you! The assassin!

Y/N: Dude, I only kill people when I'm paid or when it's in self-defense. (eyes glowing) So don't test me!

 Sir Pentious: Ooh, the new parts of my machine are here.

 Odette and Clara come in, wheeling in boxes of weapons. 


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Pentious runs over to them.

Odette: (holds out clipboard) Sign, please.

Sir Pentious signs the clipboard while Clara wheels in the boxes

Odette: Thank you for your business. Enjoy your Carmine purchase.

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