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A/N: Ultimately decided to skip Unhappy Campers. Practically everyone hates that episode.

A/N: Thanks to Renowned-Wolf for helping with some things. 

Scene opens on you entering the hotel, looking tired. Only Angel and Husk are in the lobby.

Angel: Hey, Long Rod von Hugen Schlong, what happened? You were gone for a week.

Y/N: We had a target in a summer camp. Although we didn't know who it was, so we had to investigate. Moxxie was put in charge, somehow, and despite finding the target immediately, he insisted on staying to "do things properly" so I had to deal with shallow preteen valley girls, dude bros, Blitzo's bitch of a sister, and Moxxie's shitty fucking attitude for a fucking week. 

Husk: Poor baby. Let Mama get you a drink.

She starts making a dark and stormy.

Y/N: Also Millie and Moxxie's human disguises had me thinking questionable thoughts. The cherry on top of this shit sundae was Moxxie trying to win the approval of the campers, most of which were under the age of consent.

Angel: O_o Totally doesn't sound like pedo behavior. Did anything good happen at all during the week?

Y/N: Blitzo actually grew, sort of, as a person and apparently wants to atone for his fuck ups. 

Husk: That's nice. Though, how is his sister a bitch?

Y/N: She and our target were involved in a massive drug smuggling operation. Plus she's one of those people that uses their looks to manipulate others. Getting to beat her up was *incredibly* satisfying.

Husk brings you your drink.

Y/N: Plus, Loona, Verosika, and the other hellhounds and succubi all pounced on me to make me feel better.

Angel: Lucky bitches.

Husk: Why didn't you call me, baby?

You scratch the back of your neck and sip your drink.

Y/N: I'll make it up to you.

Husk: Damn right you will.

She grabs your collar and pulls you into a kiss.

Angel: (pouting) Just rub it in, why don't you?

Husk flips off Angel.

Transition to Angel in a dimly lit room, tied to a chair, as a Hellhound with a gold tooth approaches him.

Captor: Finally awake, Angel Dust?

Angel glowers, but eventually regains his confident smile.

Angel: Yeah, and what's it to ya?

Captor holds a knife against Angel's face.

Captor: I want you to tell me where your boss stashes his vault.

Angel: (laughs, unbothered) It's hilarious you think I'd tell you anything.

The captor grabs Angel off the ground by the neck.

Captor: Fine. I guess I'll just have to fuck the information outta ya.

Angel: (Stares defiantly) Do your worst. (Breaks into a seductive smile) Daddy.

The captor rips his shirt open and engages in sexual intercourse with Angel, revealing this is a porn film played on the Hotel's TV.

Angel: (On TV) ...Ohhhh, yeahhh, baby!

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