My Bloody Valentine (18+)

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A/N: Thanks to Renowned-Wolf, who was a huge help with this chapter.

Scene opens on you waking up in bed to see Loona, Tex, and Roxy looming over you with bedroom eyes.

Loona, Tex, and Roxy: Happy Valentine's Day

All three smother you with licks and kisses then end it with each giving you a love bite leaving you with a goofy smile on your face. 

Loona: So cute.

Roxy: How about you get cleaned up.

Tex: While your Mamas make you breakfast.

All three give you a kiss before leaving the room and you head to the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around your waist but not before going past the kitchen where you see Tex wearing an apron and nothing else.

Y/N: O_O

Tex: Hey, cutie. Do you want a shower, breakfast, or (she leans over the counter and spreads her legs) me.

She lifts her tail, presenting herself, giving you an instant erection that makes your towel fall off. You then assume your demon form, approach Tex, and grab her hips.

Tex: I knew you couldn't resist this- AHH!

You immediately go balls deep and start thrusting.

Tex: Give me all you've got, cutie!

She wraps her tail around you while you wrap your arms around her torso and grope her sweater puppies then shove in your knot. Tex would cry out if you didn't muffle her with a kiss. After a few more thrusts you both climax with Tex sliding down to her knees after you pull out.

Tex: Oh, cutie.

She manages to stand back up and lightly places her hands on your face.

Tex: You always push Mama to her limits.

She gives you a passionate kiss before you head off to the shower where you turn on the water and start washing yourself. As you reach for the shampoo, someone sneaks up behind you.

Roxy: Hey, prey.

She pushes and pins you against the wall and starts a heated make-out session while stroking you, getting you hard again.

Roxy: Oh yeah, now just be a good little Puppy and-

You turn the tables and pin her to the wall and roughly enter her while muffling her cries with a kiss. As you thrust into her she wraps her arms around your neck and her legs around your waist. You shove your knot into her, making her moan into the kiss, and eventually you both climax and slowly slide down to your knees. You break the kiss to breathe while gently pressing your foreheads together and loving stare into each other's eyes.

Roxy: You're really the best, Y/N.

After eating breakfast, which was pancakes, you enter the bedroom and see Loona posing seductively on the bed wearing nothing but a red ribbon wrapped around her tied in a bow and a tag that read "Be my Valentine". You just smirk and undo the bow making the ribbon slide off Loona leaving her completely nude and you take in the beautiful view.

Loona: C'mon, Puppy, it's not fair that I'm the only one naked.

You undress and climb on the bed with Loona and start making out until Loona lays back on the bed and spreads her legs.

Loona: Fetch, Puppy.

You crawl up and kiss her again while entering her and start thrusting.

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