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8-year-old Tara stood in the corner of the hall, utterly frightened and crying uncontrollably and watching the scattered cakes that were mercilessly thrown on the floor. What are you doing, she is only 8 years old and was only 2 at that time, her grandmother screamed as her father who was spoiling all the decorations and arrangements done by her grandmother and other family members for her birthday. She is a curse to our family, she took away our happiness when she is not even fully grown up so what will she do when she is fully grown up, her grandmother sat down on the couch holding her head in despair and disappointment after listening the venomous words thrown by her son. I already had thrown her in the railway track, why did you bring her here again, he shouted at his elder brother and sister-in-law. You are insane, she is not only yours but also the child of our family. We cannot be as inhuman as you were and still are. You already thrown her out of your life, she doesn't belong to you anymore then why are you here to ruin her happiness. Go and enjoy with your new family, his brother shouted louder than him. I don't even want to see her face, ask Maa she asked me to come here, the statement made them look at the old woman who helplessly looked at her husband, as she only wanted her granddaughter to meet her father. She was hoping that her son would accept her daughter, that perhaps the distance of these many years and having his second daughter, whom he loved dearly had stirred a little affection in a father's heart for his daughter. She made a mistake and will never repeat it again. Just get out of my house, the agitated old man, her grandfather roared. I know you want to give all your wealth to your obedient son that's why you want to throw me out again, he spat venom. Yes, I have earned everything with my sweat and blood. I'll do whatever I want with my hard-earned money, you don't have any right on this, the elderly man spat. You never cared...., her father's word halted by a sharp slap by his elder brother and then everything went blank.

When she regained consciousness, she found herself in her grandparents' room. She was so scared that she could not talk to anyone for days. She did not understand all the talks that held among the elders but one thing which she could clearly understand was that her father had thrown her to death on the railway track. After that day, she used to tremble just by hearing her father's name. But fortunately or unfortunately after that day she had never seen her father and his family in the house again.

Tara, Vidha shook her as she was so engrossed in her memories that Vidha's voice could not reach her ears. Huhh, Tara was startled by the sudden movement but sighed after seeing Vidha. Tara where are you so lost, I have been calling you for so long, Vidha frowned as soon as a thought crossed her mind. Don't say, you were here all night, Tara lowered her gaze not wanting to talk about the reason of her being so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even get to know when the night had passed. Umm, Vidha please make your special coffee naah, it's been too long since you last made a coffee for me, said Tara, changing the topic. Vidha frowned at her attempt to divert the topic but decided not to dig more.

As far as I know your plans with your friends were for the evening?, Tara asked, as it was just 11:15 am. Umm, we've changed our plans, actually we see each other after a long time so just trying to spend some extra time. Then we will all be busy in our respective lives and will hardly get the time to meet each other, Tara frowned as Vidha explained more than required. Is there something else, Tara asked suspiciously. what else would be there. I just want to have fun with my friends before joining. If you have any doubt, you can also come with me, Vidha started with fumbling but ended with confidence. Okay, Okay, easy girl. Now go, you will be late otherwise, have fun, Vidha released a breath as soon as she was out of the room.

Tara's entire day was spent with her childhood memories, she could not stop them. They were playing in her mind over and over again. She kept herself busy in some work to divert her mind, arranging almirah again and again, washing already washed clothes and utensils but nothing worked.

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