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It was Tara's mother's death anniversary and she was little upset but when she thought about Vidha and Aalekh and Children of Aashray, she didn't find her pain even half of their pain. She has at least a name, a picture and some stories of her mother but in their case, they know nothing about their parents and still they are not complaining. She got an important lesson from them. We can be happy in any kind of circumstances if we want to, it's all about the thought process and the love and peace which already present in one's heart, just need to understand. The children of Aashray are not getting the things according to their wish, sometimes they don't even get basic and necessary things but still they are happy. They make each other family and that too they have to leave in age of 14 as they get shifted to other hostels and they again make new family but the family also get snatched in age of 18, they are forced to live alone, to struggle to survive on their own. Although Orphanage helps them find employment but yet it is not easy to live alone, without anyone's company and support.

Tara went to the temple in the morning to pray for her mother's soul and for her mother's next journey to be pleasant and peaceful. Aalekh accompanied her as he didn't want to let her go alone. It always rains on this day whenever I come to the temple, as if Mumma comes to meet me, Tara said while looking outside of the temple, it was raining lightly. After the puja they were sitting on a bench outside the temple, which was covered by a tin sheet. Aalekh looked at her and he found a peaceful smile on her face. She might have imagined such a thing in her mind but it was a way for her to reach her mother, to feel her mother. I look exactly like her except my eyes, her eyes are more beautiful than mine. Dadi told me that no matter what the situation was, she always used to have a smile on her face, Tara was talking about her mother and Aalekh was listening to her patiently. He felt a pinch in his heart, thinking he had no one to talk about, he didn't know what his parents looked like, whom he resembles with. Tara was so engrossed in talking about her mother that she did not realize that her words were hurting him. She looked at him after a while and realisation hit her when she saw that he was clenching his jaw and blinking his eyes incessantly to stop himself from getting emotional. She grabbed the back of his palm and raised his palm outwards to feel the raindrops.

Meet my Mumma, she seems happier to meet you today. That's not fair Mumma, you changed your team in your first meeting itself, she wanted him to feel the love that she feels through the raindrops. She wanted to assure him that he is important, very important to her and that he is no longer alone, those who belong to her are also belong to him.

He let a few drops of tears fall before speaking. Hii Mumma, he said and looked at Tara for assurance and she blinked her eyes and slightly caresses the back of his palm with her thumb to assure him. I am Aalekh, I didn't see the lady who gave me birth ever but I request you to accept me as your son. I....I..., he couldn't make a sentence but the rain got wider and faster.

See, she has accepted you as her son. In fact, she seems happiest to get a son in you, Tara said while still holding the back of his palm and twisted it slightly to hold the raindrops. His palm was filling with rainwater and his heart with belongingness & love and his eyes with tears.

She suddenly pushed his palm upwards and water splashed on his face. He looked at her amused, he smiled seeing her giggling. He simply put his forehead on her shoulder and she rubbed his biceps to calm him down as he was feeling overwhelming. They stayed there for a while before moving out of the temple. Aalekh dropped her at the Aashray as she wanted to spend some time with the children and he himself went to his workplace.

What happened girls, looking troubled?, Aalekh asked keeping his blazer on the chair. Vidha handed him her joining letter. Vidha got her joining letter but the problem is that the place was far away from their place, it was in Mumbai though but it takes her about two and a half hours to reach her workplace, Tara found a place near her workplace and it takes almost one and half hour from there to Vidha's workplace but the issue is the area doesn't seem decent. Oh, why are you bothered, look for a place that is near the workplaces of both of you, Aalekh shrugged. Yes, we need to find it within a week as she has to join from next week, Tara said while handing him a glass of water. Why don't you shift to my building, I have 2 vacant flats? Vidha's office is 40 minutes away from there and Tara also needs about 30 minutes to reach the bakery, As Aalekh suggested, Vidha seemed happy with the suggestion but Tara was not looking convinced.

Bhaiya you are amazing, Vidha was happy to get the solution of their problem. Don't worry Tara, you'll pay the rent, Aalekh deciphered her expressions. Yes, Tara it will be good for both of us, Vidha also tried to convince her. Vidha we can't afford living there, Tara said calmly, she knew that their incomes does not allow them to live in this place. But Tara, now I have got a stable and good income job, right, we will split the expenses accordingly. Umm, I'll pay the rent and you'll take care of the other essentials, Tara shook her head in disagreement. Even if you want to pay the rent alone, it will still take more than half of your salary and it's not just about the rent, it's... Tara was interrupted by anxious voice of Aalekh, Then, what else is it about?, Aalekh was displeased with the topic of discussion. He accepted them as his own people and wanted them to behave accordingly.

Umm, I mean it's also about rent but there are other factors involved too, the lifestyle and standards of your neighbours prompt you to change accordingly and we are not capable to adopt this lifestyle, Aalekh frowned upon her thought process. and Vidha if we shift there, you will be the one who will be crying within a week "They look at us like this, I don't have expensive clothes like theirs"Tara mimics Vidha. These are minute things but happen everyday. Some people may judge someone by the way they dress and live, but this is more in one's head and it makes the person feel insecure and underconfident.

Tara tried to cancel the idea so that they would not face such problems in future but Vidha took it wrong and now she wanted to prove that she can live without complaining under any circumstances and act with maturity. At the end of the discussion Tara had to half-heartedly agree to the idea and it was decided that they will shift by Sunday.

It was a Sunday afternoon and the girls were busy in packing. The very next morning after taking the decision, they informed their landlord about their decision to shift. Hey, so you have finished your packing?, Aalekh asked as soon as Vidha opened the door for him. Apart from their clothes, shoes and other wearables, only kitchen items were there. Yeh, almost done, Aalekh nodded and grabbed the water bottle. Wait, don't drink that, Tara stopped him before he could drink it and gave him another bottle. Aalekh frowned for 2 seconds before taking the bottle. Umm, it's not water, its cooking oil, Aalekh didn't react. He was a little upset by Tara's hesitant behaviour on their decision to shift to his building. Although Tara explained the reason, he could not appreciate how excited he was to have her near to him and how Tara's hesitant attitude caused a pang in his heart.

He used to call her every night at the same time but didn't talk properly. For months he had a habit of talking to her before sleeping, without talking to her he could not sleep and he did not want to change this habit. Tara tried to explain her plot to him but he remained adamant on not understanding her. All he needs is an assurance from her that she also wants to be close to him as he wants. Tara fails to understand that he is afraid of being alone again and the slightest hint of her desire to be away from him scares him. Not that he would ever force her to be with him, he just wants her to understand and be with him. Tara made a mental note to talk to him at his house so she let the matter go for now which made him more frustrated as he thought she doesn't care.


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