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Kanika entered her home and as soon as her mother opened door for her, she instantly hugged her mother tightly, Maa, she said Karan killed himself, how did she stoop so low. To cover her sins she lied, she blamed Daadu, I hate her, I hate her. Shivaani, her mother knew it's her, it's Tara, her hands start shivering. Tara?, her mother asked. Yes, she...., but then the realisation hit her, her mother spoke after 3 years. Maa, can talk again, Kanika said breaking the hug and held her mother's both hands in hers. Take me to Tara, hearing her mother's words Kanika loosened her hold on her hands. But before she could react, she saw her mother rolling her eyes and then Shivaani fell unconscious. 

Kanika immediately took Shivaani to hospital with the help of one of her neighbours. While doctor was checking her, she called her husband and told him everything, and he is coming back. He checked flights but there was no flight before 9 in morning.

Kanika was really scared, she had already lost her father, brother and grandfather and now she has only her mother from her maternal side and she doesn't want to lose her too, she was blaming Tara for this recent havoc too. Doctor said sudden surprise or shock both were risky for Shivaani's fragile mental state and long unconsciousness can be cause of more harm. 

After few hours she regained her senses but only for few seconds and after taking Tara's name she got unconscious again. Doctor asked about Tara and asked Kanika to try to get Tara here, thus she had to call Aalekh to bring Tara in hospital.

Tara was kept looking at Aalekh from time to time when they enter the hospital to see if he was going through any kind of discomfort but fortunately this time he seems to be fine. Perhaps last time, he might have panicked after coming to the hospital for the 1st time after that incident.

Kanika, Aalekh saw her standing outside of her mother's ward. She sighed, as they came near her. K.. Kanika Di, Maa, how..., Kanika cut Tara's words harshly, you are just a bad luck for us, Mom lost her consciousness as she heard you are here and since she is going in and out but everytime she regained a little consciousness she was only asking for you. I already lost my Daadu because of you and I am not going to lose my mother too, she said low but angry voice. Tara went inside the room without giving her any answer. 

Kanika sat in bench outside of ward and Aalekh sat beside Kanika and placed his hand on her shoulder. I don't want to lose my mother too, she said with teary eyes. She will be fine, he said in assuring tone. Have you informed your husband?, he asked as he knew her husband and her daughter went to his parents' hometown. Yeah, they are coming, she replied and he nodded. I was so scared, she admitted and in response, he just wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

Tara was sitting beside Shivaani, she used to call her Maa, still does but the moment she had to leave their house, the respect and the love she had for this lady was changed for forever. Maa, Tara whispered as she saw her eyes fluttering before opening them completely. Tara, she abruptly tried to sit up. Maa, please don't move, you will hurt yourself, Tara said holding her hand which had the cannula inserted and stood up to stop her from moving. 

Her slightly loud voice made other two alert who were just outside the room and they instantly came inside. What are you...., Kanika was about to shout at Tara but she halted after seeing her mother hugging Tara's waist so tightly. Tara pulled the stand a little closer, on which saline bottle was hanging. She also wrapped her free hand around her shoulder and hugged her tightly.

I am sorry beta, I am so sorry, Shivaani was crying so much, that this brought tears to the eyes of everyone standing there. A tear slipped from Tara's eye but she instantly wiped it away. I am fine Maa. See, I am fine, Tara said. Shivani broke the hug and stared at her for few seconds and then nodded before repeating her words, you are fine.... I was so scared. I thought, like Karan you also....., she let her sentence incomplete to let her know the rest. Kanika lost her balance but Aalekh held her. He really killed himself, Kanika said all shocked, she didn't believe in Tara's words but now she can't mistrust her mother. Tara and Shivani turned to them after hearing her words but she instantly walked out from the room, Aalekh, please look after her, Tara pleaded. Aalekh nodded and followed Kanika.

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