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Better?, Tara asked him after a while and he just hmm-ed in response.

He looked at her for few seconds before speaking further. When I got to know about accident, I went straight to the hospital where they were taken. Tara, their families were crying, shouting, cursing me. I was their culprit but I didn't have the courage to accept it and go behind the bars. Mr. Shah had good influence in the government so we didn't have to go behind bars. Their screams, curses are still echoing in my ears, he said holding his ear. Tara removed his hands from his ears and held them tightly.

What about their families and the injured ones, did you help them in any way?, Tara asked after some time in the hope that her guess would be correct for this, at the very least he can't be cruel to abandon them just like that. Hmm, I tried. That 'Her's Restaurant', little far from the city. The restaurant starts with the ladies belong to 6 of those deceased persons and 9 other injured persons, Tara remembered how he became gloomy suddenly as soon they entered that place and now, she understood why. I wanted their future to be financially secure so I asked them, they also got convinced as they don't have any better option. They are the people who earn by daily wages which ends up meeting only for daily needs and sometimes they do not even earn enough to provide 2 times meal to their children and family. Over time they have forgiven me except a lady, he said and Tara frowned asking to speak further.

A 40-year-old woman lost her only son, she did not accept my apology neither my offer to work with my organization. But...but I still tried to help her by my own way, he told him like a kid telling how hardly he is trying to rectify his mistake. Your own way?, Tara asked. Hmm, she is an asthma patient so she is getting treated in the best hospital through the hospital scheme run for social welfare, he said with a small smile. Oh, so this scheme is exclusively for her or other people are also getting benefits, Tara asked, to which he only smiled. I just want to somehow lighten the burden on my chest, it suffocates me, he said with breaking voice.

That place is so beautiful and serene, Tara said after few seconds. Hmm, it was outside of the city so the less crowd make it little easy to get them training along with work and now they are good at their work. Initially this place was on lease but after few years I bought that place along with some enclosed area, he said.

Ummm, your panic attacks started since that incident?, Tara asked hesitantly. Hmm, that was the first day. Actually, I was already in depression before that and this exacerbated my already deteriorating mental health, Tara's thumb halted which were busy in caressing the back of his palm. Depression?, Tara asked and he smiled at her little shocked voice. Yeh, years of loneliness and struggle brought me to the depression. Initially I didn't even know I was depressed as I was avoiding every symptom assuming them as results of my excessive workload. But when I had my first anxiety attack, I went to a psychiatrist and that's when I found out, Tara's felt terrible for the miseries that he had endured throughout his life and is still enduring and living with remorse and self-loathing. I was fine, I'm not even on regular medicine anymore, but I don't know what happened to me I couldn't control myself that night, Tara was now concerned if he was going back to that state again. 

Well, when you are revealing everything about your life then we can talk about your love life too, she asked just to tease him to lighten the mood and he shot up his eyes towards her in an instant. Hmm... hmm... you're rich, handsome, lot of girls would be dying to be with you, naah, Tara said controlling her smile at his reaction. Or do you have any problem with girls. I mean if you are interested in boys then also....., Aalekh widened his eyes and interrupted her with a loud shocking voice. what are you saying. I'm not what you think..., they looked at each other and then started laughing as he literally started to explain her.

Tara, I was never in any kind of romantic relationship nor am I a saint, I did nightstands, he said after a minute. She didn't say anything. Off course she wasn't expecting him to be virgin but it was awkward to talk about his sex life and also it was somewhere making her feel sad. Tara, I am sorry. I haven't done this since I started talking to you, he said, clarifying himself. No need to say sorry, I didn't expect you to be a virgin either, you are 35 and it is obvious, she asked that just to lighten the situation but it ended up to be something else. It's always difficult to talk about the person's intimacy with someone else, whom you are in love with. He just pulled her to his arms she placed her hand on his chest and can feel his heartbeat and it made her smile unreasonably.

He pushed her face up, holding her chin and looked into her eyes while caressing her lips with his thumb to see if there was any resistance to his intent but couldn't find any. Tara's breath hitched as she felt the touch of his thumb on her lips. The red hue was spreading on her cheeks. 

He smiled before linking his lips with hers. He was kissing her with love & insecurities, care & fears, tenderness & conviction, dependence & demand.

When he realised, she wasn't reciprocating, he closed his eyes tightly before parting their lips. She looked at him and his dejected and disappointed and somewhere embarrassed face made her realise what she had done unintentionally. He was about to pull himself away from her when she tightened her hold on his waist, not allowing him to move, and placed her lips on his, he smiled before diving into this surreal moment. He made her lie down and hovered over while still in the kiss. His left hand unconsciously moved to her right breast when she stopped him by holding his hand. I want it to be slow, she said seeing his face' embarrassing look. I am sorry, he was about to move but she just encircled her hands around his neck and pleaded, sleep please. He put his head on her upper chest and closed his eyes after listening her pleading.

She knew it was just an emotional moment and he wasn't in the right state of mind, she wasn't well either. They both were emotionally exhausted, and sex is not the only solution to settle their restless hearts. She wanted it but not in this condition. She wanted it to be out of love and not just to fix their aching hearts. and there is also another reason, she wanted him to know everything about her before moving further with intimacy.

Tara's sleep broke by alarm on her phone, she pulled her phone from side table and turned off the alarm. Then she realised Aalekh's hand on her waist while his face on opposite direction. She slowly removed his hand from her waist and tuck his quilt properly around him before getting off the bed. She set the alarm in his phone for an hour later. She caressed his hair and kiss his forehead while he smiled in his sleep making her smile.

Hmm, Tara let out an irritated sigh on hearing Aalekh's sleepy voice on the other end of the phone. Are you still sleeping, Tara scolded him. He just hummed in response, he switched off his alarm an hour ago and went back to sleep again. Aalekh it's already 8 you will be late for...., Tara halted by his loud voice, 8 oh no, I have a meeting in 1 and half hour, and the call got disconnected.

When he woke up in the morning after Tara's call, he processes last night incidence in his mind. Oh shit, how did I...., Arghh, he let out a frustrated sigh as he remembered how he touched Tara last night when she stopped him. How am I going to face her? I will go straight to office without meeting her. I'll just say bye to her and leave. Hmm..., he was murmuring to himself.


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