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Tara was trying Vidha's no. since last two and half hour but it has been switched off. It made her feel terrible. She called almost everyone she could ask about Vidha, her friends, Akshay, Soha, Bindu. Tara has Avinash's no. but he also did not pick up her call. Avinash is Vidha's colleague and Tara has only his no. among her new friends as he once came to drop off drunk Vidha. She also dialled Alekh's number several times but he also did not pick up her call. Other side Aalekh was busy in an important meeting and didn't get even a second to look at his phone. Bindu was also trying to reach Vidha while being in constant contact with Tara.

As soon as the meeting was over, Aalekh looked at his phone and immediately called Tara after seeing her missed calls. Tara what happened, is everything alright, Aalekh bombarded with questions as soon as Tara picked up his call. Vidha... I have been trying to contact her for almost 3 hours but I haven't been able to. Her phone is switched off and I have called everyone whomever I could have called but no one knows where she is. Among his new friends, I only have Avinash's number and he didn't pick my call, Tara said in one breath as she was losing her calm now. Shh, calm down okay, did you call in Aashray, Aalekh was trying to find out the possibilities of the places she can visit., she said hurriedly before disconnecting his call.

She's not in Orphanage also, Aalekh heard Tara's anxious voice as soon as he picked her phone. I also called Maa but she is not even with them, Aalekh informed her. Don't worry, I will find her okay, just stay calm and if you get to know anything, let me know, he said. I don't know... it's too late, she should've been home by now, she was afraid that something bad might happen to Vidha in her drunken state. Vidha was not the one who used to drink everyday, there have been only 2 times when she got heavily drunk since Tara met her. But Tara was so scared that she was only thinking negatively. 

He called the police officer, because of his position in the business world the police officer was also ready to help him without any FIR, the complaint of missing also cannot be lodged before 24 hours as per the rules. He was also taking the help of some of his other sources to find her.

Haan Tara, I am trying to find her just wait for a while, after few minutes Aalekh again received Tara's call. No, she is in hospital. They called Bindu Ma'am. I..... she will be fine, naah, Tara seeks assurance from him, who himself scared by the new information. Tara, she will be fine, okay. Tell me, which hospital she is admitted to?, he asked after composing himself. As Dhurva Bakery's visiting card and ID card were still in her bag so they called Bindu's no. Tara I am sending Ramesh to pick you, just stay there for a while okay, Aalekh didn't want her to be in a commercial vehicle this late at night.   

She took her debit card and all the cash she had with her. She also withdrew some more money from her account through ATM before reaching the hospital. She was terrified but she held herself up and did what was necessary at the moment, well she had learnt from her past experience.

Aalekh was standing outside the hospital when Tara reached there. He was shivering a little and continuously fidgeting his fingers as if gathering courage to enter the hospital. He came out of his trance when Tara tapped on his shoulder. Tara, he said in a shivering voice. Why are you.... Are you alright?  Tara was about ask him that why he is standing here but she halted after seeing discomfort on his face and asked for his health. He just nodded slightly. Come, Vidha needs us, Tara said while holding his hand. They both were seeking strength from each other.

Vidha?...., Tara was asking to receptionist for Vidha. Tara, Bindu approached her before receptionist could reply. Bindu and her husband had come to the hospital as soon as they got the call about the accident. Bindu Ma'am, how is Vidha, did you met her?, Bindu just hugged her to calm her anxiety. We have also arrived just a short while ago, were going to meet the doctor, he has called us in his cabin, they all moved to doctor's cabin. Aalekh was fisting his palms in his pants pockets to hold himself from running away from this place. Each and every passing second in the hospital brought back some dreadful memories for him, he was trying to hold on to himself by any way.

Doctor Sahab, how is Vidha? She will be fine, naah?, Tara asked Doctor as soon as they enter his cabin. Please sit, there is nothing to worry, she is fine, just a little cut in her left arm, needed 2 stitches. She got unconscious because of shock and she was little drunk too.. she will regain her conscious in a few minutes, Doctor's statement eased their worries but also highlighted that she was driving while she was under the influence of alcohol.


The person who brought her in the hospital was the one whose car collided with Vidha's scooty so Aalekh paid for his car's damage also, although the person didn't demand for the money himself for his car's damage as he himself was little scared but also didn't deny it. He didn't file FIR against Vidha and because of Aalekh's involvement in this case hospital didn't call police.

Ma'am you please go home. We will take care of the remaining formalities. Thank you so much for being here with us and sorry for troubling you at this hour, Tara said to Bindu and her husband. Bindu just shook her head and said Okay, call me if you need anything. We are just a call away, okay and do not worry she will be fine soon, Bindu patted Tara's head.

Vidha came back in her senses in half an hour. Aalekh completed all the formalities of the hospital and they are free to return back by 3 am. Aalekh can't wait for morning to discharge process, so he made sure of leaving the place as soon as possible and moreover, there is no need to keep Vidha in hospital as she doesn't have any major injuries.

In the whole process neither Aalekh nor Tara looked at Vidha which made Vidha anxious. Everytime Vidha tried to talk to them Tara made an excuse to leave the place or just kept avoiding her. While Aalekh was also little upset but he was not in the state to talk, he was trying hard to keep himself calm.

Tara, drive the car, I just....., Aalekh was afraid whether he would be able to drive home safely in this state of mind. Aalekh's driver went to his home after dropping Tara as Tara requested him to go because she doesn't know how much time it will take and also when she asked him to leave, she didn't have any idea about Aalekh's state. I am sorry, but I don't know how to drive the car, Tara said apologetically. Aalekh didn't want to wait there for his driver to reach and also didn't want to call his driver at this hour of night, it is already 3 at night. Aalekh was fumbling with car key, Tara held his hand, he looked at Tara. His eyes were showing some kind of vulnerability. Tara just rubbed his palm softly to make him calm, she has understood that Aalekh is not only afraid of Vidha's condition but there was something more behind his anxiety. Tara took passenger seat after making Vidha comfortable in back seat. Vidha was fast asleep due to effect of medicines and alcohol as well.

He was repeatedly rubbing his face while driving, as if trying to focus on driving. Relax, everything is alright, okay, Tara said while removing his hand from his face. He stared at Tara for 2 or 3 seconds and held her hand in his free hand tightly while his other hand was on steering wheel. He kept holding her hand tightly during whole drive and Tara's hand started hurting but she couldn't pull her hand away seeing his condition and also she didn't want to go to the hospital again.

Aalekh, we have reached, Tara said when they reached to their flat as Aalekh was so engrossed in his thoughts while coming by lift that he didn't realise, they have reached here. He looked at her for a second and then immediately walked fast to his flat without saying anything. Tara was little shocked by his reaction, she wanted to follow him but first she had to take intoxicated Vidha to her room. She made Vidha comfortable on bed. Tara...., Vidha started but cut by Tara, it's too late Vidha you need to rest for now. We will talk tomorrow.


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