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But why?, he made a pout making her smile. I want to be there, he said taking steps towards her and grab her hand and made her point towards her door, with you, he then left her hand and poked her shoulder twice with his index finger. You don't want to live with me?, he asked making his eyes bigger, Tara turned towards her doors instead of replying to his nonsensical question.

Tara unlocked her apartment and walked inside, letting the door open for him to enter. It took him a little longer to follow her because of his blurred vision and unsteady steps. When he reached her room, he didn't find her there. 

What are you doing?, Tara came out of washroom and found him lying on the floor on his stomach and he was holding his phone with the flashlight on and looking for something under the bed. 

I was looking for you, he said after turning his head towards her side. Under the bed?, she exclaimed, he looked at her with confusion. He stood up and walked to her with his unsteady steps. 

You are upset, he stated after looking at her keenly. No, she huffed. Yes, you are, he said and then grabbed her shoulders and shook her a little. I won't drink this much again, promise, he said making her smile. You look pretty when you smile and scary when you're upset, he said making her laugh.

He let go of her shoulders and sat on the bed with a sad face causing her to frown. What happened?, she asked softly. I was thinking, he said. And what were you thinking?, she asked. Had I taken you somewhere other than that stupid lake, we would be a couple today, officially, she first chuckle at his words than suddenly stopped realizing he must had been disappointed that day. 

Take rest for a while, okay. I'll wake you up for dinner, she said softly as she saw him swaying a little. Hmm, he said and took off his shoes and belt before lying on the bed. Stay here, he said before closing his eyes, he was really feeling drowsy.

I love you, he mumbled sleepily before losing in a deep sleep. Tara took her dupatta and bag and slowly left the room.

Aalekh, wake up, he stirred and turned to other side getting a chuckle from Tara. Aalekh, wake up, she shook him a little. Let me sleep, he mumbled irritatingly but opened his eyes nonetheless. He turned towards her and his sleepy eyes suddenly widened, she was dressed to go to some party, wearing the beautiful peach colored saree, matching earrings and a little makeup. He looked her up and down and then frowned. Where are you going?, he asked, Tara rolled her eyes. How I expected to hear something in appreciation first, Tara taunted and his frown deepened in response. You are looking beautiful, he said flatly making her huff. Now tell me, where are you going?, he asked again. I am waiting outside, come quickly, she demanded, completely ignoring his question and left the room. 

He came out of the room and his eyes widened in surprise. The rows of rose petals were either side of his steps, making a path. He kept walking and there he saw rose petals blocking the path in front. He looked ahead and he was just outside of a heart, made by rose petals, where she was standing with a beautiful smile, her one hand was outstretched for him to hold while keeping her other behind her back. He knew what exactly she was up to and he couldn't be happier than this, his heartbeats raced up and his eyes got misty in anticipation. He held her hand and entered in the heart made of rose petals. 

Thank you, she said softly and he looked at her in confusion. Thank you for coming in my life and staying by my side. Thank you for sharing our and each other's happiness and pain, excitement and disappointment, love and anger. Thank you for holding me in my lows and letting me hold you in your lows. Thank you for being you with me and letting me be me with you. Thank you for loving me and letting me love you, their eyes were shading tears while their lips were adorned with the smiles. She got down on one knee and extended her hand which was on her back, there is a red rose in her hand. So, Mr. Aalekh, can we be a couple, officially, she repeated his words making him chuckle in tears. He took the flower and just nodded in response as he felt his throat getting too heavy to let out anything. 

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