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Aalekh, you came, I was waiting for you, Tara said as she opened door for him. What happened?, she asked taking a step towards him as she saw him seething in anger, she never saw him like this before. Why? Why?, he asked in low but dangerous tone.

She looked at him in confusion. She didn't know if she wasn't courageous to tell him the truth after getting enough time then universe has its own way to tell him her truth.

Why did you never speak about your marriage, were playing with my feelings right up to the moment, you knew very well what I feel for you, he screamed and she took few steps back in fear and shock. I... I... I, she was at loss for words at this moment. Did you ever considered me anywhere close to you or you just used me to forget your past? haan, he blamed her without knowing the impact of his words but then his harsh words that were just on his tongue died before they could come out from his mouth after witnessing her teary eyes first time. He can never be the reason of her tears, not intentionally at least, he loves her so much.

She was blaming you, cursing you and I didn't even know what to say. She was even blaming you for someone's death and I didn't know a single shit about your past life to say anything, he was trembling in anger and his pitch was higher than she had ever witnessed before. It was clear from his words that he was not angry at her because he did not trust her or because he trusted Kanika's words, but he was angry at the fact that he had to hear all the shit Kanika spoke about her and he couldn't even defend her.  

He didn't die because of me, she whispered. She moved back and whispered again, I didn't kill him. He could see the fear and guilt in her eyes, despite being in so much anger he could still see the emotions swirling in her eyes which subsided his rage but it was replaced by disappointment, dejection and defeat. He felt as if he had been abandoned once again and he felt the same way in his lawyer's home, like the girl whom he considers his whole world doesn't even accept him as a part of her world. 

But seeing her still silent something snapped inside him and he moved towards her and held her by her shoulders and said in low but dangerous voice, tell me truthfully, do you still love him? Or have you ever loved your husband? Or wasn't he man enough to get his own wife's love?, he questioned just to get the anything, any words from her to his trembling heart. She looked at him with a shocked face but then her shocked face turned into a furious one and she pushed him with all her might, he was about to fall but balanced himself after staggering 2-3 steps backward. 

You can say things to me because I did hurt you but you have no right to say anything about him. Whatever is between us it has nothing to do with him, she raised her voice and he felt so much pain in his heart when he saw her shouting at him, 1st time, and that too for another man but then he realised that he is the only one who is another man here and it's so painful for him that he couldn't even reply to her. She knew by the look on his face that she had hurt him again, she wanted to apologise but she only could lower her head in guilt. The painful silence broke by a sound of claps and both turned towards the door and were shocked to find Kanika there.

Wow, why don't you try your hand in acting?, Kanika taunted Tara while taking steps towards her. You didn't think before running away from his house but now you are acting like a caring wife, defending your late husband, Kanika stood in front of Tara and then everything went silent when she slapped Tara hard. Tara fell on floor. Kanika, Aalekh shouted and was going to hold Tara but Tara stopped him by showing her palm. Kanika was herself shocked, what has she done. There is deafening silence, only their heavy breaths were there to hear. Tara was so shocked and traumatized at the moment as she had never been physically violated in her entire life, and she had never felt this much humiliated in her life. Her cheek was burning so does her heart, she didn't know what was hurting more.

She respected the lady even without meeting her properly, she knew her through her husband's words and she had always been the most respectful, intelligent and ethical woman in his words but the lady she was facing here is nothing like his words described her. This lady knew nothing about her, hell she knew nothing about her own brother and came here just to blame her, slap her.

Kanika, leave before I make you pay right here, Aalekh said still looking at Tara. Get out, he shouted and Kanika looked down at floor with guilt. Although she wanted to leave but she didn't know what held her there stilled. He turned to her and was going to through her out but her next words make him halt his action.

He loved you with his whole heart, he did everything for you, he fought with everyone to get your admission in law college, he shifted with you far from his family for your study and you.... You couldn't stay with his family even for a month after his death, Kanika said with tears. Why were you so desperate to get away from my family, my mother treated you better than she treated her own daughter, you didn't even think about her before running away, Kanika wanted Tara to say something in her fence or at least accept her wrongdoing. Tara stood up but didn't utter a single word and it infuriated Kanika more. But how a motherless girl can ever understand the love of a mother, Kanika was trying to hurt Tara as much as she could.

Aalekh has seen how much she loved her mother and he knows how much motherless children crave for mother's love, how much they value for mother's love, how could he not know that but he didn't know if he has right to say anything for Tara or not. Whenever he wants to say something, a new revelation makes him shut and what could he say when the girl he loves, never found him worthy enough to tell a single thing about her life. He shut his eyes dejectedly and balled his fingers in a fist to control his anger and helplessness.

But you didn't even care about your Tauji-Taiji, who brought you up like their own daughter, Kanika said trying to get any reaction from Tara but Tara couldn't make herself to say anything, she felt her mind had stopped working suddenly.

My Daadu, who always wished good for you, you forced him to die, she blamed her while shading tears of hurt and anguish. He died?, she repeated her words but it sounded more like a question. Yes, he died, he died because of you. If you hadn't run away, he wouldn't have gotten heart attack, she screamed at her. Aalekh recalled her words, 'I didn't kill him' and now he understood the meaning of her words, Tara's words were not directed to Kanika's grandfather but they were directed to Kanika's brother.

He always thought of his children's happiness, he made my brother married to you for his happiness and my brother was so happy after his marriage, he was so into you, he did everything for you but you were so selfish. If you were so desperate for men, she said looking at Aalekh making him feel disgust at her words too. Then why didn't you ask Daadu to marry you off with that Vaibhav, your lover or I should say your bed-mate.

Aalekh felt anger rush through his veins, if anything he knew out of everything is that she isn't characterless, she could never be, but what made him furious was that Tara wasn't even defending herself. Did he misjudged the girl standing in front of him, looking at floor, accepting all the blames? Is she really CULPRIT? Did she really ruin that family?


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