ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 3

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As Rebecca walked away from the tense conversation with her mom, her mind churned with a whirlwind of emotions. The weight of the disagreement hung heavy on her shoulders, but she knew she couldn't dwell on it now. With a deep breath, she refocused her thoughts on the upcoming meeting with her fiancé.

Searching and walking all over the gallery, finally, she found her fiance. Rebecca's heart skipped a beat as she halted her steps behind the wall, her breath catching in her throat at the sound of a conversation between her fiancé, Non, and someone else. A surge of apprehension washed over her, mingling with a gnawing sense of dread as she strained to make out the words exchanged in hushed tones.

Peering around the corner, she watched with a mix of disbelief and growing unease as Non engaged in what appeared to be an intimate conversation with another woman. Her mind raced with questions, her thoughts spiraling into a whirlwind of doubt and confusion.

Fear gripped her as she struggled to make sense of the scene unfolding before her. Was this just a misunderstanding, or had she stumbled upon a painful truth that threatened to shatter her world? With each passing moment, the weight of uncertainty bore down on her, threatening to crush her resolve.

But Rebecca's world seemed to come crashing down around her as she listened to Non's shocking confession, her heart sinking with each word that pierced through her like a dagger. The truth hung heavy in the air, suffocating her with its brutal honesty and devastating implications.

"I didn't love rebecca, Orn! I love you. I like you that's why im approaching rebecca and your family! I just used her. I used her to get you. Am i wrong?" Non said, gripping for orn's arm.

Tears welled in Rebecca's eyes as she struggled to comprehend the depth of Non's betrayal. The realization that she had been nothing more than a pawn in his twisted game of deceit left her feeling hollow and broken.

Her mind reeled with a whirlwind of emotions – disbelief, anger, and a profound sense of betrayal. How could Non have manipulated her feelings so callously, using her as a means to an end without a second thought for the pain he inflicted?

In that moment, the world seemed to blur around her as the weight of Non's words bore down on her with crushing force. Yet amidst the wreckage of her shattered trust, a flicker of defiance ignited within her.

Summoning every ounce of courage she possessed, Rebecca stepped out from behind the wall, her gaze locked on Non and the woman beside him. Orn. With a firm resolve, she braced herself for whatever revelations awaited her, knowing that she could no longer turn a blind eye to the truth.

With trembling resolve, Rebecca met Non's gaze, her voice trembling yet filled with an unwavering strength. "Yes, Non, you are wrong," she declared, her words carrying the weight of her shattered dreams and bruised heart. "You may have used me as a pawn in your game, but you cannot diminish the love and dignity that reside within me. I deserve better than to be treated as a mere tool in your selfish pursuits."

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