ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 25

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As the night deepened, the darkness outside seemed to seep into Rebecca's room, casting long shadows that danced across the walls like restless spirits. Despite her exhaustion, sleep eluded her, her mind buzzing with a relentless whirlwind of thoughts. With each toss and turn, the soft rustle of sheets echoed through the room, a haunting reminder of her futile attempts to find solace in the embrace of slumber.

The silence of the night, once a comforting cocoon, now felt suffocating, the weight of its stillness pressing down upon her like a suffocating blanket. Outside her window, the world lay shrouded in darkness, oblivious to the turmoil raging within the confines of her room. The distant hum of passing cars and the occasional hoot of an owl only served to heighten her sense of isolation, amplifying the restless energy that pulsed through her veins.

With a frustrated sigh, Rebecca glanced at the glowing digits of her bedside clock, their steady march towards dawn a grim reminder of the hours slipping away, each one marking another moment lost to sleepless agony.

Yes, for sure, she can't sleep right now, and she know the reasons is must be because of another person that might be sleeping peacefully at the next room.

With another sigh, rebecca wake up from her bed and stood up, as she slowly walk out from her room and slowly walk to the downstairs. But, the next sight in front of her making she furrowed her eyebrows hardly.

"I thought you're sleeping in your room?" Rebecca mumbles slowly in weird and looking onto the sight of freen sarocha, who right now was sleeping on the couch at the living room of the mansion, with some cans of beers were lying on the table.

"Is she drunk or what?" Rebecca whispered under her breath as with that, her feet slowly stepping towards freen, and what's make she stares to her is, freen's head keep turning left and right, with her mouth mumbling something.

"I...didn't...." Freen mumbles, as rebecca furrowed her eyebrows hardly before kneeling beside freen on the floor, bringing her ear to freen's mouth. "no..." Freen mumbles again, she was breathing hardly through her mouth, and that's make rebecca turn to stares to her face.

Freen's lips was pale, her forehead was sweating and that's making rebecca a little worried and slowly touch her forehead. At that moment, she could felt that freen was having a hot fever as rebecca stares to her worriedly and sighing out loud.

"What are you dreaming about? The more i get to know you, the less i know who you are" Rebecca whispers under her breath, and still staring onto how freen is uncomfortably sleeping. The little whimpers, groans and mumbles keep getting out from freen's mouth makes rebecca a little guilty to leave her there.

At that moment, everything hits rebecca even more. She even wondered what happened to freen, why freen acting like this, and everythings. She know freen is not someone that she always saw. Freen had something. Something that she wish she know. And this bad dreams prove it.

Slowly, she tap freen's face gently. "F-freen... wake up. You should sleep in your room." Rebecca whispers, slowly, and gently makes freen's eyes slightly moving, and slowly, freen weakly open her eyes and still whimpering as if she was having a bad fever.

She badly breathing through her mouth too.

"Lets go. I will help you to your room. You're having a fever." Rebecca said softly and that's when freen grasp for rebecca's hand and placing it against her cheek. That actions of her makes rebecca gasped and gulping rapidly.

"stay here w-with me please.." Freen mumbles helplessly and her eyes keep shutting down as if she was that weak and sleepy. And yes, at that moment freen was superb weak and in her hot fevet. At that moment, the words from freen makes rebecca stutters. "W-what?"

Freen's hand still holding her's and rebecca can't descibe how heart beating loudly at that moment. And what worse is, despite freen's hot hands, she afraid that freen felt her hand is cold because of this.

"Please becca." Freen mutters again, and this time, no one ever called her 'becca' but freen did. Gosh, this is the worst feelings ever. Rebecca could feel freen slowly pull her hand as with that, rebecca sighing out loud and sit on the floor beside the couch that freen is sleeping. She stares to her deeply and scoffed. "Satisfied?"

"hm"Freen slightly smiling and nod her head.

"I will grab the medicine and you should eat it, wait—-"

"No. Just stay here. I just need you stay here. That's all." Freen mumbles, and this time she already close her eyes and letting rebecca's hand rested at the upper of her chest. Rebecca gulped hardly, and without she knowing, she just slowly pat freen gently against her chest just like a little baby which makes freen drifted to her dreams again.

And who knows? The not satisfying sleep and imsomnia that freen always gets immediately disappeared away just like how she never expected. This night, the sleep is great, and the most deep sleep that she ever had. Seriously.

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