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"Rebecca??!! Baby??!!"


"Nam?!! Where are you guys?! Why the house is so dark?!"

The three of them was shouting and screaming for their partners, while the person who just arrived, which is billy, just walking and following them from behind. Uh, he need to search for partners as soon as possible hm!

As they stepped into the mansion, The atmosphere was tense, with an eerie silence enveloping the darkened mansion. But once they approached towards the living room, Suddenly, a loud scream pierced the air, "WOAHH!!!" causing Heng to jump in fright and cling to Freen like a frightened koala.

"WOOO!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!!" Heng exclaimed, his grip on Freen tightening as he sought comfort in her arms.The three women chuckled at Heng's reaction, finding amusement in his startled response.

Freen shot Heng a cold look, but couldn't help but crack a small smile at his antics, while Billy and noey remained unfazed, his expression betraying no hint of surprise.

"What the fuck heng?!" Freen groaned, as right now she was stunned, and cold, glaring to heng who still hugging her like a koala! Heng's legs totally wrapped around freen's waist, and his arms around freen's neck. God. "How dare you to hug me in front of my wife?!" She said again coldly, and a little mad, as heng quickly glancing back, seeinng the women chuckled loudly while his friends shook their head.

Realising that he's already showing his coward side towards all of them, heng quickly jump off from freen, standing again and gulping while fixing his shirt - then acting like he is the most handsome and cool man ever. Ugh!

"What's wrong with this surprise huh?" Noey ask, smiling and opening her arms making irin quickly running and hug her tightly. "Just wanting to pray around with you darling." Irin answer, looking up to noey makes noey smiling more widely and attaching her forehead against irin's.

Rebecca who seeing noey hugging irin like that, suddenly pouting her lips and rolled her eyes towards freen out of annoyed or sulky. "You're not hugging me like noey did to irin! You didn't miss me?!" Rebecca suddenly said, looking onto freen grumpily.

Hearing that, freen gasped, as she glancing to noey who already smirking teasingly before she look at rebecca again. "Okay baby, come. I miss you." Freen pouting too, opening her arms like a kid, making their friends laughing of her. Seriously, they never saw freen like this before, but, look at freen right now, totally a kid, totally childish and changing when with rebecca.

"No! I dont want!" Rebecca crossed her arms against her chest, lookingn away sulkingly. That's make freen cursed under her breath, glancing to her friends once again seeing how they all holding their laugh. God, at the moment, freen know she defeated.

With a deep sigh, freen stepping closer towards rebecca, hugging her from behind "Dont mad at me baby. I miss you. Even though i didn't tell you, but i've always miss you. At office, and even when you're leaving me for a bath." Freen whispers, but that cringe and clingy words hearing so loud towards all of them.

With a tint smile, rebecca quickly turn around to look at freen, as freen smiling widely yet softly, caressing those cheeks of her. "I miss you too." Rebecca said happily before giving a quick peck on freen's lips, making everyone gasped and fake a cough.

A hot widower's wife || FreenBecky (G!p) Where stories live. Discover now