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When the night comes, As Freen approached the room, ready to retire for the night, she was suddenly met with resistance as her chest was shoved with a pillow and blanket. Startled, she looked up to see Rebecca standing before her, a sullen expression etched on her face. Freen's mouth gaped open in confusion as she glanced down at the pillow and blanket in her arms, realizing she had been banished from their shared bed.

"B-baby... what..." Freen stammered, her voice trailing off in disbelief.

"No. You will sleep in the living room tonight, and I will sleep with P'Nam and Irin in this room," Rebecca declared, her tone firm and resolute. Freen's eyes widened in shock at the unexpected decree.

"What? No, no. Baby, you know I can't sleep if I'm not with you!" Freen protested, desperation creeping into her voice.

"No excuses, Freen Sarocha. It's your punishment for today," Rebecca reiterated, her resolve unwavering. Before Freen could utter another word, Nam and Irin approached the room, grinning teasingly at Freen.

"Shh! Go! Heng and Noey are already waiting for you in the living room," Nam teased, giving Freen a playful push as they disappeared into the room.

"Bab—" Freen's protest was cut short by the loud slam of the door in her face, leaving her standing alone in the hallway, feeling defeated and annoyed.

With a resigned sigh, Freen trudged towards the living room, her annoyance evident in every step she took. Unbeknownst to her, laughter echoed from inside the room, signaling that the girls were thoroughly enjoying their mischief.

Walking towards the living room, Freen settled onto the couch beside Heng, her expression mirroring his sullen demeanor. She could feel the tension radiating from both Noey and Heng as they grumpily hugged their own pillows and blankets.

"You being kicked out too?" Heng's voice was tinged with frustration, his words dripping with annoyance.

Freen let out a deep sigh, her frustration evident in the heavy weight of her breath. "Hm," she grunted in affirmation, her gaze fixed on the wall in front of her.

"F*ck, this is Billy's fault! Tomorrow is my wedding day, and yet! I need to freaking sleep outside," Noey exclaimed, her jaw clenched tight with irritation. The mere thought of Billy gallivanting around happily with Camila only added fuel to the fire of their frustration. They're being punish! But billy is enjoying his date! Gosh.

The three of them sat in silence, stewing in their annoyance and resentment towards the situation. In the room, the night air carried the distant sound of laughter and merriment, a stark contrast to the somber atmosphere within the living room.

Despite their frustration, there was a sense of camaraderie in their shared plight, a silent understanding that they were in this together. And as they huddled together on the couch, each lost in their own thoughts, they found solace in the solidarity of their companionship.

Suddenly, With a collective groan of resignation, Freen shifted her body and stretched out on one of the couches, her exhaustion palpable in every movement. Heng and Noey followed suit, mirroring Freen's actions as they settled onto their respective couches.

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