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The morning sunlight filtered through the sheer curtains, casting a warm glow across the room as Freen stirred from her slumber. With a soft groan, she stretched her limbs languidly, feeling the tension of sleep slowly dissipating from her body.

Dragging herself out of bed, Freen shuffled towards the bathroom, her footsteps echoing softly against the polished floorboards. The familiar routine of getting ready for work beckoned, and she knew she couldn't afford to linger in bed any longer.

Turning on the faucet, she splashed her face with cool water, the refreshing sensation helping to wake her up fully. As she brushed her teeth, her mind began to drift, already anticipating the busy day ahead at the Chankimha Group.

Despite the early hour, Freen felt a sense of determination coursing through her veins. Today was a new day, and she was ready to tackle whatever challenges lay ahead with unwavering resolve. Including courting rebecca.

She was still feeling upset because of the zero presence of rebecca at this mansion, but that's not stopping herself from keep courting her. She knows, rebecca need a time and she willingly wait for her even though that's mean herself will started to lose.

Putting her white shirt and navy blue pants, freen grabbing her suit's blazer and stomping her feet out towards her luxury car.

The wheels of Freen's luxury car hummed beneath her as she navigated the streets with a single thought propelling her forward—a desire to do something special for Rebecca. With determination etched into her features, she pressed down on the accelerator, the car effortlessly gliding through the traffic.

Her destination loomed into view, a quaint flower shop tucked away amidst the bustling cityscape. Bringing the car to a smooth stop, Freen stepped out with purpose, the door shutting behind her with a soft thud. The scent of fresh blooms enveloped her as she entered the shop, the vibrant colors of countless petals igniting a spark of inspiration within her.

Moving with an air of quiet confidence, Freen selected a bouquet with meticulous care, each flower chosen with Rebecca's preferences in mind. Roses, delicate and fragrant, intertwined with vibrant lilies and cheerful daisies, forming a symphony of colors and scents.

With the bouquet cradled gently in her arms, Freen returned to her car, a sense of satisfaction blooming within her chest. "Rebecca will like this." She mumbles, smiling softly glancing to the bouquet.

As she resumed her journey, the vibrant blooms beside her seemed to symbolize the warmth and love she held for Rebecca, a gesture of loyalty woven into the fabric of their relationship. And with each passing mile, Freen's anticipation grew, eager to see the joy that her small yet meaningful gesture would bring to Rebecca's day.

As Freen pulled up to ArtMellow's company, her determination burned brighter than ever. With each step she took toward the CEO's room, her steps echoed in the hushed corridors, drawing the attention of curious onlookers. Whispers fluttered through the air like delicate butterflies, eyes following her every move with a mixture of intrigue and speculation.

"Prince freen is here!"

"God, Ms Rebecca was lucky to have her."

"Right! She's freaking handsome." The whispers coming into her ears, but freen didn't even glance to them. Her main point and main visions right now is rebecca, inside the ceo room.

A hot widower's wife || FreenBecky (G!p) Where stories live. Discover now