ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 56

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After the long working, freen coming back to the mansion at 8PM. She was terribly tired, and its clearly written on her face.

Freen approached the main door, exhaustion weighing heavily on her but she was met with an unexpected sight. The door of the mansion swung open before she could even reach for the handle, revealing Rebecca standing on the threshold. Freen's eyes widened in surprise, her tiredness momentarily forgotten as she took in the vision before her.

Freen's breath caught in her throat as she beheld the sight. Rebecca stood at the doorway, bathed in the soft glow of the mansion's dim light, wearing a delicate white satin gown that clung to her figure like a second skin. The fabric cascaded down only to her thighs, leaving little to the imagination, while her bare shoulders and collarbone were revealed with graceful elegance.

For a moment, Freen found herself unable to tear her gaze away from Rebecca's captivating presence. The sheer vulnerability and beauty exuded by her left Freen spellbound, her heart fluttering with a mixture of awe and longing.

"Rebecca..." Freen whispered, her voice barely audible above the hush of the night breeze and she standing still in front of rebecca like a stone. The intensity of the moment hung palpably in the air, as if time itself had paused to savor the profound connection between them.

In that fleeting instant, Freen felt a surge of emotions wash over her – longing, desire, and a profound sense of yearning. Gosh, rebecca is so sexy yet so gorgeous.

As Rebecca stood before her, bathed in the soft glow of the night, Freen felt an overwhelming urge to reach out and envelop her in an embrace, to bask in the warmth of her presence and lose herself in the depths of her gaze.

But before she could act on her impulses, Rebecca spoke, her voice soft and tentative, breaking the spell that had enveloped them both. "Freen... I've been waiting for you," she said, her words carrying a weight of unspoken emotions. Rebecca's smiles that showing her dimples, and her naughty eyes roaming all over freen's features making freen gulping hardly.

D-did rebecca was seducing her or what right now?

With a deep breath, Freen gathered her composure, her heart still racing with the intensity of the moment. Stepping forward, she closed the distance between them, grabbing rebecca inside and closed the main door. Her eyes never leaving Rebecca's as she gulped hardly and sigh.

"Rebecca," she murmured, her voice filled with a mixture of tenderness and longing. "yes." Rebecca smiling and in that simple affirmation, Freen found solace in the knowledge that, she was actually had her feelings so deeply towards this woman. Really.

"W-what are you... d-doing, wearing s-something like this," Freen stutters, her voice trembling with a mixture of surprise and desire. Rebecca can sense the tension radiating from her, the way her breath catches in her throat, the beads of sweat forming on her temples.

With a gentle touch, Rebecca guides Freen's hand to her cheek, feeling the warmth of her touch against her skin. Freen gasps audibly, her eyes darkening with longing and desire.

"B-becca," Freen murmurs again, her voice filled with a raw intensity that sends shivers down Rebecca's spine. She can see the longing in Freen's eyes, the hunger that burns within her. Freen's breath seem to stucks, and she only could stares deeply into rebecca. Her desire, her lust and for sure her feelings is being trapped inside making her found this so painful.

In that moment, everything else fades away, leaving only the two of them, caught in the throes of desire.

"Are you forgot? Today is the day," Rebecca asks, her tone soft yet filled with significance, causing Freen to raise her eyebrows in shock and gulp nervously. Today is the day? The ovulation day?

Freen's mind races as she processes the implication of Rebecca's words. The realization hits her like a ton of bricks, and she feels a surge of nervous excitement coursing through her veins. Today could be the day, the day that she've been waiting for, the day that could change everything.

Despite her initial shock, Freen can't help but feel a flutter of anticipation in her chest. This could be their chance, their opportunity to start a family together, to solidify their bond in a way they never imagined possible. Ops. Nah, the day where maybe she could make a baby for grandmother. yes for grandmother. Nothing else okay, freen.

But amidst the excitement, there's also a tinge of apprehension. The weight of responsibility hangs heavy in the air as Freen grapples with the enormity of the moment.

Freen licking her lips,her eyes burning and likely to blind by her desire, as she slightly push rebecca to the wall. The atmosphere is charged with tension as Freen leans in to kiss Rebecca, their proximity palpable in the air.

The setting could be a dimly lit room, perhaps with a soft glow from ambient lighting, adding to the intimacy of the moment. Freen's blazer, held loosely in her hand, falls to the ground in a hushed whisper of fabric, symbolizing the abandonment of formality and the surrender to desire.

Freen's movements are deliberate yet gentle as she closes the distance between them, her eyes locked onto Rebecca's, conveying both longing and a sense of reverence. There may be a faint scent of perfume mingling with the natural scent of their surroundings, heightening the sensory experience.

Slowly, and slowly, their lips meet. Once their lips meet, the time seems to stand still, the world outside fading away as they immerse themselves in the kiss. The sensation is electric, sending shivers down their spines as they lose themselves in the exact moment, each touch igniting a fire within them.

The blazer lies forgotten on the ground, a silent witness to the passion unfolding before it. Its presence serves as a subtle reminder of the world outside, but in this moment, Freen and Rebecca are lost in each other, their connection transcending the confines of reality.

Freen slowly deepened the kiss, her lips in rhythm moving against rebecca as rebecca close her eyes, slowly moving and replying to the kiss. Gosh, the kiss is so passionate, and its looking as if they are using their true feelings.

Rebecca's heart thumping, and that's the same rhythm with freen's. Her hands slowly running to freen's shoulders, and rub it there while freen gripping her waist, and pull her much more closer making their body collide in any way. Slowly, the kiss started to become intense, as freen running her hand from rebecca's waist to her arm and shoulders, rubbing her skin as if she was giving a comfort, and that's making rebecca could felt the shivers building up inside her.

Gosh, freen's hands, touching and rubbing her. Its making her crazy.

Freen groaning and pulling rebecca's nape, which make rebecca closed her eyes tightly, and that's when they deepened the kiss more. Freen biting her lips, sliding her tongue and exploring her mouth everywhere against rebecca's. Rebecca's hand gripping her shirt, and somehow, those hands rushingly grip freen's necktie, pulling and wanting to loosened it.

Knowing that, freen smirk between their kiss, as she slowly gap their lips making rebecca breath heavily and gasping for air. Staring and gazing of how rebecca's cheeks flushed combo with her smudges lips, freen caressed her lips with her sly smiles. "Lets take this in the room." Freen whispers and she got no time to wait as she pull and lift rebecca like a koala making rebecca gasped and wrapped her arms around freen's neck.

Without hesitation, freen walk to her room, lips plastered a wide smiles, but they both know they're terribly nervous about the next step.

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