ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 9

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At the other side, there he is, Non, sitting at the small living room of his family's small house, talking about what happened. And once Non said that the wedding is postponed or calling off, his mom was so shock. "What? The wedding is calling off? Or postponed? She's that triggered of what happened? Or what is it that happened that i dont know?" Non's mom ask makes Non gulp and look down.

"Its just...."

"Brother. Be honest. You messed up so bad. Right?" Wayne, Non's little sister said as their mom hit her on the leg. "Why should your brother messed up?! Everything will be okay. Non. You need to get married with Rebecca!" Their mom said makes non sighing out loud.

"No way. Did she know that?" Wayne suddenly said. "Did she know that you like Orn? God." Wayne groaned and their mother look at Non and from seeing non's face, she know that its true. Its true that finally rebecca know about this.

"What?! I told you to shut your mouth off! God, what should we do..." Their mom mumbles and in flustered of what will happened next. Yes, they all use rebecca. Only to make rebecca married with non, they will might be solve their debt. Of course! Rebecca family is rich : Armstrong. And for non's family, he's only a ordinary family, living in a ordinary regular small house and Non also work under Armstrong's company as a regular staff.

And at the other side, the two was awkwardly in the hotel's elevator and on their way to the hotel's room just like how freen want. The two keep glancing to each other, and they were not muttering any words at all. So awkward huh!

Once the elevator door open, freen lead rebecca to the hotel's room, as she lean backward to the wall and wait for rebecca to slide the card to the door to unlock it. She stares to rebecca with her sharp eyes as rebecca slightly gulp and flusteredly grip the card.

"Aren't you going to open it?" Freen ask, sounding so cold as rebecca flusteredly stutters. "O-oh.. uh..." She quickly tap the card in the most rush way as if she was nervous makes freen smirking silently when its keep beeping showing that the door can't be unlock. "W-why its not working?!"

She was so nervous huh! Freen quickly grasp for her wrist and take the card from her hand with her eyes stares to rebecca deeply and her lips plastered with a flirty smile. "Don't be too anxious. If you're not careful, you'll get eaten." Freen said in half whispers before she slide the card makes rebecca gulping hardly. And guess what? With a single slide, freen already could unclock the door and open it.

Seriously, freen likes to tease her so much.

That words makes rebecca much more anxious and when freen open the door, rebecca slowly get inside the hotel room.

And guess what? When rebecca step inside the big hotel room, she stunned and her mouth slightly gap open. The hotel room decorated like a office, at the center of the room placed a spacious office table and the table was filled with documents, files and papers.

A hot widower's wife || FreenBecky (G!p) Where stories live. Discover now