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Tears streamed down Freen's cheeks, mingling with the blood trickling from her wounded knuckles. Her breath came in ragged gasps, each inhale a struggle against the torrent of emotions threatening to overwhelm her. The sting of betrayal pierced her heart like a dagger, fueling the flames of anger and rage burning inside her.

With the thoughts of Apo and Nita, its making herself boiling. This is no other their plan. Fuck. And when rebecca away from her like this, she doesn't have any other thoughts than blaming them.

With trembling hands, Freen tightened her grip on the steering wheel, her knuckles white with strain and forcing to bleeding more. The ache in her jaw matched the throbbing in her temples, a physical manifestation of the turmoil raging within her. She was so mad, and the only thing she know is she gonna beat apo off.

As she navigated through the streets, her vision blurred by tears, Freen's mind raced with thoughts of betrayal and deceit. She couldn't shake the feeling that Apo and Nita were behind this, their sinister plan to destroy her happiness unfolding before her eyes.

Despite the pain pulsing through her body, Freen's determination burned bright. She refused to let this betrayal break her spirit, to let it define her. With every mile closer to the palace, her resolve strengthened, her jaw set in a firm line of determination.

Finally, as she pulled up to the grand entrance of the palace, Freen's breath caught in her throat. The imposing structure loomed before her, a symbol of the life she had once known, now tainted by lies and deceit.

With a deep breath, Freen stepped out of the car, her movements fueled by a potent mix of anger and sorrow. She squared her shoulders, steeling herself for the confrontation ahead. Nothing would stop her from seeking the truth, from exposing the treachery that had torn her world apart.

With each step towards the palace, Freen's heart hammered in her chest, a relentless rhythm driving her forward. She was ready to face Apo, to confront him and not caring if their family is there or not.

Freen stormed into the palace, her anger radiating off her like a blazing inferno, making the guards in front of the palace shrink in their place.

Stepping inside, Her eyes blazed with fury as she stares towards Apo, who sitting among the gathered family members, a smile plastered on his lips and that's the same as the others - the grandmother, and their parents.

Without a moment's hesitation, Freen lunged forward, her hand curling into a tight fist as she rushed and grabbed Apo's shirt. In an instant, her rage exploded, and she delivered a powerful punch to Apo's cheek, the force of the blow reverberating through the room.

"Freen!!!" A collective gasp echoed through the room as their family watched in shock, their expressions a mix of horror and disbelief. But Freen paid no heed to their reactions, her focus solely on Apo.

"You're the one who fucking did this! You and Nita, am I fucking right?!" Freen's voice boomed with accusation, her words dripping with venom as she glared at Apo.

Apo winced, cupping his injured cheek, but before he could respond, Freen's fury erupted once more. With another swift motion, she delivered another punishing blow to his other cheek, the impact ringing out like a gunshot.

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