ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 61

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As the car hummed along the familiar route towards their home, Rebecca sat beside Freen, her finger pressed lightly against her lips as if trying to hold onto a fleeting memory. The encounter with Freen's ex-wife and son lingered in the air, but it was the memory of their earlier kiss that consumed Rebecca's thoughts.

Her mind replayed the scene with vivid clarity—how their bodies swaying in perfect rhythm, how Freen's hands gripping her waist with a possessive urgency and how their lips moving in a passionate dance against each other. Freen's dominance and intensity had left an indelible mark on Rebecca, igniting a fire within her that refused to be extinguished. Gosh, rebecca swear, if she's not stopping freen just now, this oldie might be ripping her shirt there and then!

Lost in the memory, Rebecca found herself unconsciously caressing her own lips, reliving the sensation of Freen's touch against her skin. The memory of their kiss replayed in her mind like a movie on repeat, each frame etching itself deeper into her consciousness.

Gosh, she thought, her mind reeling from the intensity of their connection. In that moment, everything else faded into the background, and all that mattered was the electric charge that sparked between them—a charge that left Rebecca breathless and yearning for more.

Freen pulled out the car, parking in front of the mansion compoud, as she glance to rebecca and saw rebecca was likely to still in her thoughts with fingers caressing her lips. There, freen smirks plastered on her lips before she talk. "We are here." She said makes rebecca immediately flinch and with that, she put her hand away from her lips as if she was acting she's not zoning out about those kiss.

"W-we are arrived?" Rebecca stutters and looking around, still acting like as if everything normal even though her face is showing everythings. Freen scoffed, as she turned to look at rebecca sternly and raise her eyebrows. In rebecca's eyes, freen looks a little firm and arrogant? Or what is this?

"W-what?!" Rebecca ask, looking onto freen with a gulp.

"What's up with the kiss just now huh?!" Freen ask, still raising her eyebrows and the topic makes rebecca's face switches hardly. "Uh... uhm.. just.. yeah. Kiss. A normal kiss between husband and wife..?" Rebecca mumbles, biting her own lower lips and her eyes keep avoiding from staring deep to freen. Its because she know very well freen is likely to gaze onto her so deeply.

Freen's corner lips raise up a little, forming a secret smirk. "Oh really? God, you just ruined my beautiful lips you know. Euw." Freen said making rebecca turn towards her and glares to her with a disgusting face. "tch. Said someone who literally kissing me so hard, as if her wife is not giving her a reward last night." Rebecca said sarcastically.

And that's when freen gasped and look at her with her eyes showing its excitement, and her face seems lights up out of sudden. "Yes! Its true. My wife didn't give me my reward." Freen said, in her heart she was hoping that rebecca will think about it and give it to her. Again.

Rebecca's mouth a little hang open, as she scoffed in disbelief. "God, you're just having your rewards last night!!! We just making——" Rebecca stop her words, as she gulped and bite her own lips out of embarrassment.

Freen's lips curled to a wide smirks as she lean closer to rebecca and hold her hand. "What. Tell me, my wife. We just making what? Continue your words." Freen whispers, and rebecca slightly push her chest, since freen literally leaning towards her, making their bodies closer to each other even though she already pull her head backwards to avoid freen.

"Stop it freen!!! Dont mention about it!!" Rebecca shouts, bringing her both hands onto her face, closing it and even though she close her face, freen know that rebecca is terribly blushing. Freen chuckled hardly, as she sit properly again and click the car's door open. "Alright alright, stop it. Lets go inside." Freen step out from the car and walk away, and that's when rebecca slowly open her hands away from her face.

She cupped her own cheeks and cursed under her breath. She could feel her cheeks heating out in embarrassed. "Gosh that oldie! Seriously." Rebecca mumbles before she slowly get off from the car and walk to get inside the mansion.

A hot widower's wife || FreenBecky (G!p) Where stories live. Discover now