ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 63

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Opening the main door, Nam gasped and instinctively closed her eyes, a look of shock crossing her face before she swiftly raised her hand and hit Freen on the chest. "Freen!!! What the fuck?! Where's your fucking shirt, bitch!" Nam shouted, her voice filled with disbelief.

Freen, annoyed by Nam's outburst, scoffed in irritation. "As if you've never seen this," she retorted, her tone dripping with annoyance.

Nam's eyes slowly opened, and she fixed Freen with a deadly glare. "W-what's wrong with that face? Did I do something wrong?!" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty. Freen is looking like she would kill Nam anytime soon!

Freen leaned back against the side of the door, crossing her arms over her chest with a frustrated sigh. "Yes. So wrong. Quickly, just straight to the point, what do you want coming here?!" Freen demanded, a hint of impatience in her voice.

Nam smirked, studying Freen's face with amusement. The sight of Freen's swollen and smudges lips only widened her smirk, and she couldn't help but entertain the idea of teasing her friend a bit more. "Come on, you didn't want to invite me in?!" she teased, her smirk growing even wider.

Freen groaned in exasperation and stomped her foot before relenting and stepping back inside. "Fine! Come in!" she grumbled, clearly resigned to the fact that Nam wasn't going to leave anytime soon.

Nam chuckled as she stepped inside, her gaze sweeping over the scene in the living room. She noticed Rebecca sitting on the couch, her posture straight and awkward, her eyes fixed on the floor but her flushed cheeks giving away the telltale signs of embarrassment.

"Oh, Rebecca. Hi," Nam greeted with a warm smile, taking a seat nearby. Rebecca slowly raised her face, her own smile a mixture of relief and nervousness. "H-hi, P'Nam," she greeted in return, her voice slightly shaky from what had happened just now.

The atmosphere in the room felt tense yet strangely lighthearted, as if everyone was trying to ignore the elephant in the room. Nam's presence brought a sense of familiarity and comfort, easing the tension in the air as they settled in for what promised to be an interesting conversation.

Nam couldn't help but notice the palpable tension between Freen and Rebecca, their awkwardness evident in the way they avoided each other's gaze yet seemed unable to tear their eyes away. Despite sitting beside Nam, Freen's gaze remained fixed on Rebecca, a silent yet undeniable connection lingering between them.

The air in the room crackled with unspoken emotions, each glance and gesture laden with meaning. Nam couldn't shake the feeling that there was something significant brewing beneath the surface, something that neither Freen nor Rebecca were willing to acknowledge openly.

As Nam observed the dynamic between the two, she couldn't help but wonder what had transpired between them to create such a charged atmosphere. And with Freen's unwavering gaze fixed on Rebecca, it was clear that whatever it was, it had left a profound impact on both of them. And Nam might know this.

"How's the life with freen, rebecca? Is freen being annoying and keep burdening you?"

Nam's inquiry hung in the air, prompting Rebecca to offer a hesitant response. "Oh, erm... a little. B-but... overall she's okay! I mean... yeah," she managed, her words faltering slightly.

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