ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 44

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The morning sun cast a soft glow over the villa, but despite the warmth of its rays, the atmosphere within was heavy with tension and unease. Rebecca and Freen sat at the dining table, their silence a palpable presence that hung between them like a heavy fog.

As they picked at their food, neither dared to broach the subject of the kiss that had occurred the day before. The memory of their intimate moment lingered in the air, casting a shadow over their every interaction.

Rebecca stole furtive glances at Freen, her heart heavy with the weight of their unspoken emotions. She longed to reach out, to break the silence that stretched between them, but fear held her back—the fear of rejection, of facing the truth of their complicated feelings. She keep glancing onto freen's lips which moving munching the foods and when she found herself staring on that pair of lips, she quickly look away with her cheeks flushed.

Seriously, freen is making herself a little drifted from what they had deal.

Across the table, Freen's expression was inscrutable, her gaze fixed on her plate as she pushed the food around with her fork. The tension in the air was suffocating, and yet neither seemed willing to be the first to speak.

Minutes stretched into eternity as they sat in silence, the weight of their unspoken words pressing down upon them like a leaden blanket.

With a fake cough, freen sip onto her drink before started talking. "Billy said grandmother had planned for a romantic dinner for us tonight. Wear something nice." Freen said as Rebecca's eyebrows shot up in surprise at Freen's unexpected announcement. The notion of a romantic dinner seemed almost surreal in the midst of their strained relationship, and she couldn't help but scoff at the idea.

"Romantic dinner?" she echoed incredulously, her voice laced with skepticism as she continued to pick at her food, avoiding Freen's gaze.

Freen's response was curt and to the point, her tone demanding compliance as she reiterated the instructions. "Yes. Romantic dinner. Wear something nice so that we could send photos to grandmother. That's all."

Rebecca's skepticism lingered, her mind racing with questions and doubts. What was Freen's motive behind this sudden gesture? Was it merely a ploy to appease their grandmother, or was there something more beneath the surface?

Despite her reservations, Rebecca couldn't help but feel a flicker of curiosity at the prospect of a romantic evening together. Perhaps it was an opportunity to mend the rift that had formed between them, to confront the feelings that lingered unspoken between them.

No no. Its grandmother's instruction. That's why freen and her need to do this. Right? Its all about grandmother. Yes.  She courage herself to not thinking much about all of this.

With a resigned sigh, Rebecca nodded in acquiescence, her mind already drifting to thoughts of what to wear for the occasion.

"You dont have to think what to wear for tonight. I'd bought you a dress." Rebecca's eyebrows shot up in surprise at Freen's unexpected revelation. The idea of Freen buying her a dress seemed both generous and perplexing, considering their recent tensions.

"Oh really?" Rebecca responded, her voice tinged with curiosity as she studied Freen's expression for any hint of motive.

Freen merely hummed in response, her expression inscrutable as she took another sip of her drink, leaving Rebecca to wonder what lay behind this sudden gesture of generosity.

Despite her reservations, Rebecca couldn't help but feel a twinge of anticipation at the thought of wearing a dress chosen by Freen. It was a small gesture, but it hinted at a willingness to bridge the gap between them, to move past the conflicts that had threatened to tear them apart.

With a cautious smile, Rebecca nodded her acceptance, her mind already racing with thoughts of what the evening might hold. Perhaps tonight would be the opportunity they needed to finally confront the feelings that had simmered beneath the surface for so long, to find a way to reconcile and become a good friends instead of strangers.

After that, they separately enjoying the honeymoon that day.

As Rebecca made her way to the beach, the gentle caress of the ocean breeze and the soothing sound of the waves provided a welcome respite from the tension that had filled the villa. Lost in the tranquility of her surroundings, she wandered along the shore, her thoughts drifting like the clouds overhead.

Unbeknownst to her, Freen watched from afar, her gaze fixed on Rebecca's figure as she moved gracefully along the shoreline. From her vantage point, hidden amongst the dunes, Freen observed Rebecca's every movement with a mixture of longing and regret.

Regret of making this deal. Really.

As Rebecca dipped her toes into the cool, refreshing waters, Freen couldn't help but feel a pang of envy at the freedom and carelessness with which she embraced the moment. In that fleeting instant, she longed to join her, to cast aside the barriers that stood between them and lose herself in the embrace of the sea.

But instead, Freen remained rooted to her spot, a silent observer of Rebecca's solitude. From a distance, she drank in the sight of her, committing every detail to memory—the way the sunlight danced upon her skin, the way her hair danced in the breeze, the way her laughter rang out like music on the wind. Its like a healing for freen when watching rebecca.

And as the day drew to a close and the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the beach, Freen remained where she was, watching as Rebecca disappeared from view. In that moment, she couldn't help but wonder what might have been, if only they had the courage to confront the feelings that lingered between them.

But for now, all she could do was watch and wait, hoping against hope that someday, they would find their way back to each other. Why she wish that happened?

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