ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 59

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As Freen pulled up the car in front of the apartment building, Rebecca couldn't shake the nervous energy coursing through her veins, her hands fidgeting restlessly in her lap. Sensing her unease, Freen turned to her, her gaze soft with concern as she posed the question that hung heavy in the air.

"Are you ready?" she asked, her voice gentle yet firm.

Rebecca met her gaze, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment at her own jittery demeanor. With a forced nonchalance, she rolled her eyes, attempting to mask her apprehension. "I'm always ready." she replied, her tone laced with a hint of defiance as she stepped out of the car.

Freen chuckled softly at her bravado, her laughter a reassuring presence amidst the tension that lingered between them. With a shared smile, they exited the car, their footsteps echoing in the quiet of the afternoon as they made their way towards the entrance of the building.

Despite the uncertainty that lay ahead, Rebecca couldn't help but feel a sense of determination wash over her, fueled by the knowledge that she is going to freen's ex wife and son. Only god know how she was feeling right now. Nervous, anxious, yet not that happy. But she willing to come and follow freen only to 'guard' and claim freen as her's.

As they rode the elevator up to the 13th floor, Rebecca's mind raced with a flurry of thoughts and emotions, her heart heavy with a sense of unease. She couldn't shake the nagging feeling that Freen had frequented this place before, perhaps to meet Noah, and the thought gnawed at her insides. And maybe this is where freen's favourite place with Nita, her ex wife, being lovey dovey.

With a heavy sigh, Rebecca couldn't help but let her emotions show, her lips forming a slight pout as she grappled with her inner turmoil. Freen's puzzled expression didn't go unnoticed, and she could feel her eyes on her, silently questioning the source of her distress.

"What's wrong with the pouty lips, huh?" she teased gently, her voice laced with affection as her corner lips lift upwards, showing a tint smile.

Rebecca forced a tight-lipped smile, her thoughts still consumed by the whirlwind of doubts and insecurities swirling within her. But before she could voice her concerns, the elevator beeped, signaling their arrival at their destination.

Without hesitation, Freen led the way down the hallway, her steps purposeful as she approached one of the apartment doors. With practiced ease, she punched in the passcode, the door unlocking with a soft click.

As they entered the apartment, Rebecca couldn't shake the feeling of jealousy and apprehension that gripped her heart. Each passing moment only served to fuel her overactive imagination, the whispers of doubt growing louder with each step they took. The apartment's password that freen had knew, the interior, and everything. It seems like freen always and know this apartment so well. Nita's apartment.

But as she watched Freen interact with Noah, a sense of reassurance washed over her, her genuine warmth and affection putting her fears to rest, if only for a fleeting moment. And though the shadows of doubt lingered in the corners of her mind, she knew that she could trust freen. And whatever happened next is, let it become unknown.

As Noah's joyful shout of "Daddy!" filled the room, Freen's face lit up with a bright smile, her arms open wide to receive her son's exuberant embrace. "Missed daddy, huh?" she teased, showering Noah with affectionate kisses as the little boy giggled with delight.

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