ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 5

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A day had passed.

The morning after the gallery event, the tension hung thick in the air at Armstrong's mansion, the once not so serene atmosphere shattered by the sound of Mrs. Luny Armstrong's enraged voice echoing through the living room.

"What?! Calling off the wedding? Rebecca?!" Mrs. Luny Armstrong's voice boomed with indignation, her anger palpable as she struggled to comprehend the sudden turn of events. "Didn't you want this marriage to happen so much?" Her words were laced with betrayal and frustration, the disbelief evident in every syllable as she grappled with the reality of the situation.

As the realization of Rebecca's decision sank in, Mrs. Luny Armstrong's anger gave way to a sense of profound disappointment, her shoulders slumping in defeat as she struggled to come to terms with the abrupt cancellation of her daughter's wedding. The guest list, the decorations, the elaborate preparations—all rendered meaningless in the wake of Rebecca's unexpected revelation.

"Its passed. Not for now."

Rebecca's words cut through the tension like a knife, her voice devoid of emotion as she delivered the final blow to her mother's hopes and dreams. "I want to call off this wedding," she stated flatly, her resolve unwavering despite the shock and disbelief that rippled through the room. With a sense of purpose that brooked no argument, she turned on her heel and strode away, leaving Mrs. Luny and Orn stunned in her wake.

The silence that followed was deafening, broken only by the hollow echo of Rebecca's footsteps fading into the distance. For a moment, no one dared to speak, each grappling with the weight of her decision and the implications it held for the future. Mrs. Luny stood frozen in place, her hands trembling with a mixture of anger and sorrow, while Orn struggled to find the words to express the tumult of emotions swirling within her.

Suddenly, Non running into the scene and Non's sudden arrival injected a new sense of urgency into the already fraught atmosphere, his expression a mix of concern and determination as he spoke to Mrs Luny. "M-Mother, let's postpone this wedding. I... i had a misunderstanding with Rebecca." He declared, his words hanging heavy in the air as Mrs. Luny regarded him with a mixture of surprise and hope.

But not for non. He was flustered, and seem a little bit in rush to have the wedding no matter what.

Mrs. Luny's gaze turn deep as she nodded in understanding, her features etched with a mixture of relief and apprehension. "You better handle this quickly," she urged, her voice tinged with a sense of urgency born of years of experience and wisdom.

Non's resolve hardened as he met Mrs Luny's gaze, a steely determination burning in his eyes. "Yes, I will, Mother,"He affirmed, his words ringing with a sense of purpose as he prepared to confront the challenges that lay ahead.

But that's not stopping there, Rebecca's sudden reappearance sent shockwaves through the room, her demeanor a stark departure from the timid girl they had known. With arms folded defiantly across her chest, she faced her mother, Orn and Non with a newfound sense of resolve, her voice ringing out with a clarity that brooked no argument.

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