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As days turned into weeks, and weeks into months,

In the quiet moments shared between them, amidst the daily routines and occasional squabbles, Rebecca and Freen found themselves grappling with the unspoken tension that lingered in the air. Each glance exchanged held a depth of emotion that neither dared to voice aloud.

Rebecca, with her heart fluttering wildly whenever Freen's gaze met hers, couldn't shake the feeling of warmth that enveloped her whenever they were together. She found solace in Freen's presence, despite the occasional clashes and disagreements that peppered their days.

Meanwhile, Freen, ever the enigma, wrestled with conflicting emotions that stirred within her. Beneath her composed exterior, a storm raged, fueled by the desire to express what lay hidden in the depths of her heart. Yet, fear held her back, fear of vulnerability, fear of rejection, fear of the unknown.

Their marriage, though young, was fraught with complexity and uncertainty. Despite their undeniable connection, they tiptoed around the truth, afraid to confront the feelings that simmered just beneath the surface. Each day brought them closer, yet the walls they erected around their hearts remained steadfast, guarding secrets they were not yet ready to share.

Their relationships seem much more closer, but sometimes those little fights, little annoyance, and little drama happened makes them always found each other annoying and disturbing. But within that case, freen and rebecca always crave for each other more. Sometimes rebecca unknowingly wanting to kiss her, and freen also the same. That's leading them to the most heated make out, and even goes straight to the bed project.

Oh, and about Orn and Apo, they seem to making their 'marriage' real. They currently processing the plan of their marriage, despite the chankimha's family likely to not really approve this. Freen somehow still working and successfully leading the chankimha Group, and with her new project that will be done in some days or months. She was waiting for that day, then its finally come to the end - her fight and competition with Apo.

"Freen. Look." In the dimly lit room of Freen's office, Billy slid a paper across her desk, prompting her to raise an eyebrow in curiosity. Freen picked up the paper and began to study it, her eyes scanning the contents with growing incredulity. It was a report detailing the ownership structure of the Armstrong Group, her wife, Rebecca's parents' company.

Freen's brow furrowed as she processed the information before her. "What? The shares are 100% under Rebecca's name?" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with disbelief. The revelation was both shocking and perplexing.

Billy nodded solemnly from across the desk, his expression mirroring Freen's astonishment. "Yes, Freen. I was just as shocked. The Armstrong Group is Mr. Armstrong's company, and Mrs. Luny Armstrong is currently leading and managing it. So why are all the shares registered under Rebecca's name?" Billy's voice trailed off, his thoughts swirling with uncertainty.

Freen's mind raced as she contemplated the implications of this unexpected discovery. There was a sense of unease settling over her, a feeling that there was more to this situation than met the eye. She couldn't shake the feeling that there were hidden secrets waiting to be unearthed.

"We need to find out more," Freen declared, her voice firm with determination. She knew they couldn't afford to ignore such a significant discrepancy. With a resolute nod, she turned her attention back to the report, ready to delve deeper into the mystery surrounding Rebecca's family company.

Freen's mind raced with questions as she scanned the report, her brow furrowing with each passing moment. The revelation that the shares of Armstrong Group were solely under Rebecca's name sent a ripple of disbelief through her. Billy's words echoed in her mind, stirring a sense of unease within her.

"Something doesn't add up," Freen murmured, her voice laced with uncertainty. She couldn't fathom why Rebecca would have full ownership of her parents' company, especially without any prior knowledge or indication of such a significant transfer of shares. Plus, rebecca is not Armstrong's real daughter. Then why?

Billy nodded in agreement, his expression mirroring Freen's puzzlement. "Exactly. It's highly irregular, and it raises a lot of questions."

Freen's thoughts whirled as she contemplated the implications of this newfound information. Was there more secrets other than this? Does rebecca knows about this? And what is this? What happened?

With a determined glint in her eyes, Freen knew she needed to delve deeper into this mystery. There were secrets lurking beneath the surface, and she was determined to uncover the truth, no matter where it led.

"But don't tell Rebecca. I will handle this," Freen said firmly, her gaze fixed on Billy, who nodded in understanding. There was a gravity to Freen's tone that made it clear this was something she intended to pursue discreetly.

Billy hesitated for a moment, his mind racing with questions and concerns, but ultimately he nodded in agreement. "Understood, Freen. I'll leave it in your hands," he replied, trusting her judgment. Billy then turn around, walking away leaving freen alone.

As Billy left the room, Freen leaned back in her chair, her thoughts swirling with a mixture of determination and apprehension. She knew she was stepping into unknown territory, but she was resolved to uncover the truth behind Rebecca's family company, no matter what it took. Because its rebecca's. She will do anything when it comes to her.

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