ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 71

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At the other side inside Chankimha Group's building, Freen's footsteps echoed through the corridor as she made her way to her office, her expression stoic and unreadable. As always, she is super cold.

As she pushed open the door, her eyes fell upon a sight that made her blood run cold – Nita, standing in her office, a knowing smirk playing on her lips.

Nita's attire left little to the imagination, her form-fitting dress accentuating every curve of her body. Her smile was coy and suggestive, a silent invitation that grated on Freen's nerves.

Suppressing a surge of irritation, Freen approached Nita with measured steps, her demeanor cool and composed despite the storm raging within her. She refused to let Nita's presence unsettle her; instead, she squared her shoulders and met Nita's gaze with an unwavering stare.

"What are you doing here, Nita?" Freen's voice was laced with a thinly veiled edge, betraying the tension simmering beneath the surface. She resisted the urge to let her emotions show, refusing to give Nita the satisfaction of seeing her rattled.

Nita's smile widened, a gleam of mischief dancing in her eyes as she sauntered closer to Freen, her movements deliberate and calculated. "Just paying a visit to my favorite CEO," she purred, her tone dripping with insinuation.

Freen's jaw clenched, a flicker of annoyance flashing across her features before she regained her composure. She knew Nita's game all too well – the flirtatious banter, the subtle manipulation – and she refused to be drawn into it.

Ignoring Nita's provocative demeanor, Freen maintained a professional facade, her voice firm and resolute. "I have work to attend to. Please leave," she stated bluntly, her words leaving no room for argument.

But that's not stopping there. Freen's patience wore thin as Nita continued to push her boundaries, her annoyance palpable as Nita's hand play around with her necktie. With a swift motion, Freen yanked Nita's hand away, her voice sharp and commanding.

"What are you doing?! Leave!! I'm married, Nita!" Freen's tone brooked no argument, her eyes flashing with a mixture of frustration and anger.

But Nita persisted, her gaze pleading as she stepped closer to Freen, ignoring her protests. "I miss you, Freen. Didn't you miss me too? Please, give me another chance," she implored, her words tinged with desperation.

Freen's jaw clenched, her resolve hardening as she met Nita's gaze with unwavering determination. "I have Rebecca. I'm sorry, but I love her," she stated firmly, her voice leaving no room for doubt.

Nita's scoff cut through the tension, her disbelief evident as she challenged Freen's sincerity. "You don't love her. This is a contract marriage, isn't it?! Freen, you married her because of the situation. Not because of feelings!" she accused, her words hitting Freen like a verbal blow.

Freen's fists clenched at her sides, her patience wearing thin as she struggled to contain her rising anger. But deep down, she knew Nita's words held a grain of truth, stirring doubts that she had long tried to bury.

Freen's voice carried a warning edge as she issued her ultimatum to Nita, her tone low and gravelly with suppressed rage."Leave. Before I call for security," she commanded, her words laced with an unmistakable threat.

Though her anger simmered just beneath the surface, Freen fought to maintain her composure, unwilling to let Nita's presence unravel her carefully constructed facade.

As Nita annoyingly groaned and stepped away, leaving the office, Freen couldn't shake the rapid whirlwind of thoughts swirling through her mind. How did Nita find out about this? The realization struck her like a bolt of lightning, deep down she knew this could be Apo's doing.

"F***!" Freen cursed under her breath, her frustration boiling over at the thought of Apo's manipulative schemes. She clenched her fists, her mind racing with plans to counteract his moves. And fuck, she swear, nita is never once become her choice again and over again. She had rebecca. And those words, makes she thinking again about her feelings.

Am i seriously fall for you, rebecca? Never once in my life i will repeat the same mistake. But will this time be different when it comes to you?

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