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After the conversations, all of them walking to eat and somes to drink or dancing, rebecca was about to walk away, but before she could do that, freen's hand grip on her wrist, making rebecca gasped, and froze on her place. "Where are you going, rebecca." Freen whispers, her voices heavy and firm.

Rebecca turn around to meet her eyes, before she pull her hand away from freen grip. Freen raise her eyebrows over rebecca's actions, as she stares to her deeply. "Im going to somewhere. Its not your business." Rebecca said, rolling her eyes a little bit.

"Its my business, baby." Freen said firmly, she stepping towards rebecca and with a swift movement, she grip that thin waist, pulling rebecca closer, making their body collide just like that. Rebecca gasped, she gulped and slowly look up to freen. Freen smiling, soft yet sexy, making rebecca couldn't averted her eyes away. God..

"Lets dancing?" Freen whispered, as her feet stepping, leading her, making rebecca stepping backwards, until they were standing at the dancing spot. Freen wrap her arms around rebecca's waist more gently, as she grasp for rebecca's hand and place it around her neck. Rebecca just staying silent, following all her lead.

Slowly, the song changed to a more retro yet gentle songs, making freen swaying their bodies together, following each beat and steps together. Freen's eyes piercing onto rebecca's eyes and face, that's making rebecca a little flustered. She was so shy making her cheeks flushing red!

"I love it when you dance. But only with me." Freen suddenly said, placing her free hand on the small of rebecca's back, then roaming it around her waist and ass. Gosh, rebecca could feel how her hair against her body rose up out of shivers due to freen's touch. Fuck!

Rebecca gulped, as she look to freen, studying her face too. "You don't dance." She said, making freen's corner lips lift up, forming a little smirk.

"Only with you." Freen whispered, her eyes fall down onto rebecca's lips, before up to her eyes again. The burn intensified.Really.

"Careful, Prince Freen Sarocha Chankimha, or I'll think you actually like me." Rebecca replied, her eyes deep staring onto freen as freen's mouth curled into a grin when hearing this.

"Baby, we're way beyond like. Mrs Chankimha." Freen said proudly, wanting to make rebecca realise that she already got her. She's her wife! Mrs Chankimha!!!

"Tch." Rebecca scoffed, as she then rolled her eyes, looking away from freen out of annoyed. But, freen was chuckled, smiling to her widely, staring still and could never tired of this. Really. Why rebecca so gorgeous? She keep asking herself. God, she's so lucky to have her.

Freen's eyes turned deep, and her smiles slowly fade, making both of them turned to a silence. Sensing this awkwardness, rebecca slowly turned her head to look at freen, and that's when once again her eyes shaky meeting those deep eyes. God freen! Rebecca swear she will melt if she's staring to her that much.

Rebecca gulp, as freen's hand slowly rub rebecca's waist. "I love you baby." Freen suddenly whispered, her voices heavy and deep, but full with honesty. As when hearing this, rebecca's breath hitched, and her heart thumping out loud!

With those deep stares, freen briging her hand, caressing rebecca's cheek softly, adoring the little woman in front of her. "Can you coming back to our home?" Freen ask, her eyes turn pleasing, and rebecca could feel how freen was longingly looking onto her. "I miss you. Especially at night. I want to hug you, i want to sleep beside you and waking up beside you. Please baby?" Freen continue, as with a gulp, rebecca felt like her throat stucks out with words.

Gosh she didn't know how to respond this.

"I miss you,baby. So much." Freen whispered again, hands still rubbing and caressing rebecca's cheeks, and with a little move, freen connected their forehead, her eyes staring down against rebecca's lips. They could feel how warmth each other's breath is, and basically right now they're sharing the same breath. God, freen, you'll be the dead of me.

Freen was staring her so deep. So deep and intense as without they knowing, each other's heart was wanting the same thing. Slowly, their head moving more closer, freen tilting her head a little, letting only a little gap between their lips. Rebecca closed her eyes, her chest raising up and down out of nervous, as with a second...

"Rebecca!" A voices suddenly heard making rebecca quickly gap their head, and body as freen closed her eyes tightly, cursing under her breath "Fuck. A little bit more." Freen groaned and open her eyes, glare to the person. Its a man. A man who was looking onto rebecca with a tint smile.

"N-non?" Rebecca stutters, as when freen glare to him, freen clenched her jaw tightly, her hands was quickly grabbing rebecca to her side. "What do you want here?! Who invite you here?!" Freen ask, sounding so cold as Non slightly scoffed and went closer towards them. Non ignore freen questions, as he then stares to rebecca wih his wide smile.

"How are you bec? Long time not seeing you." He said makes rebecca stutters and gulped hardly. There, freen's hand curled to a shaky fist, as she slightly turn to rebecca with her deep glare. "Go away rebecca. I will talk to him." Freen said, making rebecca gasped and pull freen hand "No freen we—-"

"Go away!" Freen raise her voices, as with that, rebecca flinched, as she sighing loudly and slowly walking away from them. Rebecca just stares to the two while fidgeting her fingers, feelings so nervous, worried that freen will do something bad towards Non. Its not that she cares for non, nope! But this is a big event, if they fighting with each other, freen might be blame.

"What the fuck are you here?! Rebecca is my wife! Didn't you forget it?!" Freen ask, eyes deeply glaring towards Non. Non scoffed, as he look at her arrogantly. "Oh really? I didn't think rebecca love you. She loves me first. She's the one that court me first before this. so, did she ever said i love you to you?" Non said, and those words stab like a knife into freen's chest. Its hurts, and deep.

"No? Oh god, how pity you are." Non scoffed when he notice how freen's face switching. "She love me—-"

"Fucking shut up!" Freen shout, but Non ignore it. "She love me so much before this—"

"FUCKING SHUT UP!!!!" Freen shouts, the whole hall hearing with her voices, and that's making everyone turning to her, and at the same time too, the music stop, making the hall filled with silence and some murmurs. Every guest basically look towards them. Seeing this, rebecca quickly rushing to them again, grabbing freen's arm tightly "Lets go freen. Stop this."

But freen didn't budge. She was glaring to Non deeply, her knuckles turn white, and her jaw clenched tightly. "Dont fucking care about my wife. Dont fucking involve in our business." Freen said coldly and firmly, her voices shaky, holding her anger.

Non clenched his fists out of annoyed too, "I do care for her, she's—"

"Not yours," Freen finished his words. "They're my rings on her finger. It's my name she's taken.It's my bed she shares.She is mine. So whether you care for her or not isn't fucking relevant." Freen groaned, her words spat onto non's face harshly making Non grinding his teeth tightly.

"Freen stop. Lets go." Rebecca grabbing freen's arm, pulling her away as with a rolled of her eyes, freen's feet following rebecca's, leaving Non in dumbfounded like that. God, freen can't tell how mad she is. What? Non come and wamting to claim rebecca again? Fuck, no way.

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