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As the skies gradually darkened and night descended upon the world, Freen's office was bathed in a soft glow cast by the gentle illumination of her desk lamp. Outside, the city lights twinkled like distant stars, painting the landscape with an ethereal beauty that was both serene and captivating.

In the quiet of her office, Freen took a moment to pause and reflect on the events of the day. The hustle and bustle of the workday had given way to a peaceful stillness, enveloping her in a sense of calm and tranquility.

With a contented sigh, Freen leaned back in her chair, allowing herself to be enveloped by the quiet solitude of the night. It was a moment of reflection, a chance to appreciate the beauty of the world around her and the blessings that filled her life.

As she gazed out into the night sky, Freen felt a sense of gratitude wash over her—a deep appreciation for the moments of connection and joy that had filled her day. And as she closed her eyes, she welcomed the embrace of the night, knowing that tomorrow would bring with it new opportunities and adventures, waiting to be discovered beneath the starlit sky.

Suddenly, her mind was drifting to rebecca. If she had rebecca at home, she might already going back home, excited to meet her wife. But right now, the mansion is filled with silence. Rebecca's scents is everywhere and that's make she sick. She longed for her, she want her in her embrace.

When thinking about this, freen quickly stood up from her swivel chair, grabbing her things up and stomped her feet to her car. The whole building is already dark, and only left the security in front of the lobby.

"Have a good night, prince." The security bow his head and giving a way for her, making freen coldly passing him, walking towards the parking lot. She get inside her car, quickly droving away with something messing inside her mind.

As Freen navigated through the city streets, the soft glow of streetlights cast fleeting shadows across the interior of her car. The hum of the engine provided a steady backdrop to her thoughts as she made her way home, each turn bringing her closer to her destination.

With a sense of purpose, Freen suddenly thought of something that she had planned this morning, as she reached for her belongings scattered on the passenger seat, the cool touch of her bag and the weight of her keys grounding her in the present moment. She could feel the tension coiling within her, a quiet determination driving her actions as she prepared for the night ahead.

As she dialed Nam's number, Freen's fingers tapped against the sleek surface of her phone, the sound echoing softly in the confines of the car. With each ring, her anticipation grew, the need for reassurance palpable in her voice as she spoke.

After for a while, Nam accepted the call.

"Nam, come to my home," Freen's words were crisp and clear, carrying a sense of urgency that brooked no argument. She knew that having her there would provide a sense of security, a buffer against the unresolved tensions that simmered beneath the surface.

"I've arranged for Nita to come over, and I won't be with her in the same house without anyone else," she stated firmly,

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line before Nam responded with a simple "Yes," her voice conveying an understanding of the gravity of the situation. Freen felt a surge of gratitude wash over her, grateful for Nam's unwavering loyalty and steadfast presence as her bestfriend.

With the call ended, Freen's focus shifted back to the road ahead, her mind buzzing with thoughts of the night to come. She knew that the presence of Nam would offer a sense of stability amidst the storm of emotions that threatened to engulf them all. She need to clear this with Nita. And yes, she need to talk with Noah too.

As she neared her home, Freen's heart beat a little faster with anticipation, the promise of resolution and reconciliation beckoning her forward. And as she pulled into her driveway, she couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope flicker within her—a hope that tonight would mark the beginning of healing for her fractured family. Her family with rebecca.

Once she arrived, she already saw a car which freen assume that it was Nita's, where parked nicely in front of the mansion. With a scoff, freen get off from the car, and walk towards the mansion's compound.

"Freen! Baby! I knew that you will call me! What? What we will talk about? Our wedding?" Nita said excitedly while running towards her, as Noah right now gripping Nita's hands tightly with his wide smile. Freen who heard this scoffed again as she then groaned before kneeling and kissing noah on the forehead.

"Hey man! How are you?" Freen softly said, making Noah chuckled. "Im good, daddy. I miss daddy so much."

"Really?!" Freen chuckled as nita then suddenly said something making freen groaned and look at her annoyingly. "Freen! Lets go! Lets get inside the house. this will be our house right?" She said makes freen wearing a frown.

"What? Nah, no. Wait at the outside for a while. I need to wait for someone." She said indicating that she wait for Nam. Really, she never being in the same space with Nita again. Disgusting.

A hot widower's wife || FreenBecky (G!p) Where stories live. Discover now