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As the three of them huddled on the bed, their laughter echoed off the walls of the dimly lit room.

"They're so funny!" Nam exclaimed, her laughter bubbling up uncontrollably as she watched Freen's exaggerated expressions.Irin's loud laugh joined Nam's, punctuating the air with a melody of amusement. "I can't believe she's actually that upset," she managed to say between giggles.

Rebecca chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "She's definitely taking herself too seriously," she remarked, shaking her head in mock disapproval.

Nam wiped tears of laughter from her eyes, gasping for breath between bursts of giggles. "I haven't laughed this hard in ages!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with pure joy.

And so they laughed together, their voices blending into a symphony of mirth that seemed to fill the room with warmth and happiness. Outside, the world continued to spin, but in that moment, all that mattered was the simple pleasure of being together and sharing in each other's company.

Irin's laughter bubbled between her words, adding to the infectious joy that filled the room. "Can you believe it? Noey begging like that? It's too much!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with amusement as they talked about their own partners that being so funny.

Nam's groan of frustration was met with sympathetic chuckles from Rebecca. "They really do think we're pushovers, don't they?" Nam muttered, crossing her arms defiantly.

Rebecca's laughter softened into a gentle smile as she looked at her friends. "I just hope Freen can sleep tonight without me," she admitted, a hint of concern flickering in her eyes.

Nam waved off her worries with a dismissive gesture. "Let her figure it out. Besides, it'll be interesting to see who ends up with the darkest under-eye circles tomorrow," she remarked, her laughter echoing through the room.

As they continued to joke and laugh together, Rebecca couldn't help but feel a twinge of worry in her heart. But she pushed it aside, reminding herself that Freen deserved this little bit of discomfort. And deep down, she knew that their friendship was strong enough to weather any storm.

"And you know, this is my first time seeing freen down bad and lose all of her demeanour. Its all because of you, rebecca. Gosh, what did you gave to freen to make her timid and sticks with you always? Tell us your secret and i would like to give that freaking heng too!" Nam said, groaning a little and that's when rebecca's cheeks flushing hearing all those words from Nam. "Really! Right! P'freen never like that bec! She's so annoying! But with you!!! Its like she's so soft, even she's stepping on the ant, the ant is not dead." Irin exclaimed more.

Rebecca's cheeks flushed at Nam and Irin's teasing remarks, a shy smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Oh, come on, it's not like that," she protested, though the warmth in her voice betrayed her embarrassment.

Nam's eyes widened in mock disbelief. "Oh, please! We've known Freen for years, and she's never been this... mushy before," she teased, emphasizing the word 'mushy' with a playful smirk.

Irin nodded in agreement, her expression incredulous. "Seriously, Rebecca, what's your secret? How did you manage to turn our fierce Freen into a softie?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Rebecca laughed softly, her cheeks still tinged with pink. "I didn't do anything special, I promise. Freen's just... different around me, I guess," she admitted, her voice soft with affection.

As they continued to banter and tease each other, Rebecca couldn't help but feel a surge

"Or did you always reward a good sex? How is it? What position? Or how? Tell me!" Nam ask again excitedly, grabbing rebecca's arm to eager knowing this, and that question makes rebecca gasped and eyes widened. "P'Nam!"

"Hahahaha come on! Aw someone is so shy~" Irin tease her again. "I-i... I dont know okay." Rebecca said a little stutters.

"I-its just usual. I-i mean... o-okay fine. S-she, i mean freen always want me. A-and i just... did what i need to do? i guess?" Rebecca said, shrugging her shoulder and eyes a little avoiding from looking onto Nam and Irin. God, she was so shy talking about this!

"Is she good? Freen's good?! I mean, she's not that experience in this aspect as what i know is she's still a fresh virgin too. So is she's good in bed?" Nam whispered, wriggling her eyebrows, trying to dig about freen and rebecca more. The three of them right now talking so closed to each other, leaning their head while sitting on a bed in circle.

With a gulp, rebecca bite her lower lips, her rosy colour of cheeks showing that she was terribly embrassed. "F-freen always good. She.. handling me so good, that always left me satisfied with the sessions." Rebecca mutters, lowing down her head. Nam then clap her hands out of suddenly and groaned annoyingly. "I should have ask heng to learn from freen then. I mean! Ugh heng is frustrating!" Nam groaned, rolling her eyes in frustrated when thinking about her nights with her husband.

Irin and Rebecca furrowed their eyebrows. "Why?" They ask in unison.

Nam then looking onto them again, and leaning forward to whispers. "Heng... its like.. its not that hes not good. he's just like.. he doesnt want kid yet. I mean, he always make reasons of not having too much sex with me. And if he did, or we did, he always pull out and shoot outside. Im frustrated." Nam said, and finally the problems and concern that being trap in her heart finally being tell loudly out towards this two women and also her friends.

Hearing this, irin and rebecca gasped, their hand flew towards their own mouth, closing it out of disbelief. "What the hell...all this one year?!" Irin groaned, also turned off of that actions from heng as nam nod her head.

"Really? He did that??!! I mean! Gosh! If freen knows he might be beaten up. Really." Rebecca said with a little scoffed. "Right. I dont know what he was thinking, but, that's my concern, and that's leading me to not enjoying our session. Always."

Rebecca groaned and rolled her eyes. "Freen never did that. She even never pull out and never let her cums leak out of me even a tiny drop of it. And i found her so hot, handling me like that." She suddenly said, lips curling to a little smile when thinking again about their hot night.

"Same. Noey is just too hot for me to handle. Its like, god, who the fuck dont want a child! And this is why you guys didn't have a fucking baby yet?!" Irin shout of of frustration. "Uhm." Nam nod, sighing deeply.

"I'd always having this imagination to have a intense and hot night with him, but god, he always turn me off. But what can i do? I fall for him too much already." Nam said, looking onto rebecca and irin with a little pout.

"aw say someone that wanna give a hot tips and idea just now when buying the lingerie for us. Even she's is not experienced!" Rebecca said, making irin laugh and Nam groaned "Tsk. It still valid! I had that imagination and skills! Even though im not doing that, but still! i want you guys to do that okay!" Nam replied, defending herself.

With laugh, tease and talks about their husbands, they didn't realise the night is slip off and without knowing, they also fall asleep in a good dreams together.

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