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Freen's heart raced with excitement as she sat in her office room, eagerly unboxing the paper bag that Rebecca had given her. With trembling hands, she reached inside and pulled out two beautifully wrapped boxes, each one adorned with a delicate bow.

Her heart filled with gratitude and joy, Freen couldn't help but hum happily to herself as she admired the thoughtful presents before her. With each movement of her legs and sway of her head, she felt as though she were dancing to her own melody, lost in the blissful moment of receiving such heartfelt gifts from her beloved wife.

In that moment, all the worries and stresses of the day melted away, replaced by a profound sense of happiness and contentment. Freen knew that she was truly blessed to have Rebecca by her side, and she vowed to cherish these precious gifts as a reminder of the love that they shared.

A wide smile spread across Freen's face as she carefully untied the bows and lifted the lids of the boxes. Freen's breath caught in her throat as she lifted the lid of the small box adorned with a black gold bow. With a sense of anticipation, she closed her eyes for a moment before opening the box, revealing the stunning Rolex watch nestled inside. Her heart swelled with love and appreciation as she gazed upon the exquisite timepiece, a gift from her beloved wife.

In a rush of excitement, Freen quickly removed her own watch and delicately fastened the Rolex around her wrist. As she admired the elegant design and craftsmanship, a sense of pride washed over her. "Gosh! So beautiful! My wife has such impeccable taste. Well, look at me. Of course she has great taste," Freen murmured to herself with a giggle, unable to contain her delight.

But the surprises didn't end there. With trembling hands, Freen reached for the second box, identical in design to the first. As she lifted the lid, her eyes widened in astonishment at the sight of a branded necktie, colored in sleek black and gray hues.

Freen was overwhelmed with happiness, unable to find the words to express her gratitude and joy. With a grateful smile, she carefully lifted the necktie from its box, marveling at its exquisite craftsmanship and thoughtful design. In that moment, Freen felt an overwhelming sense of love and appreciation for her wife, knowing that Rebecca had chosen these gifts with care and affection.

One more time, she quickly taking off her current necktie, wanting to wear rebecca's one. But before she could wear the necktie that rebecca gave,

Freen's excitement was momentarily interrupted as the door of her office swung open, revealing Nam, Billy, and Heng. Their enthusiastic greetings and teasing remarks brought a playful smirk to their faces, but Freen couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance at the timing of their interruption.

"Woooowowowoo... our chairperson!" Nam exclaimed teasingly, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she glanced at Freen.

Freen scoffed and rolled her eyes, feeling her mood dampened by their sudden intrusion. "Gosh... You guys just had to ruin the moment," she groaned, her irritation evident in her tone as she turned away from them.

Despite her annoyance, Freen couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with her friends. Deep down, she knew that their playful banter was just their way of showing support and camaraderie, and she couldn't stay mad at them for long.

"Wooo someone give you this?!! Let me look!"

Freen's heart raced with panic as Nam roughly grabbed the necktie from her hand, causing her to let out a startled cry. With her eyes squeezed shut, Freen braced herself for the worst, fearing that Nam had damaged the precious gift from Rebecca.

"F**k!! Nam!" Freen shouted, her frustration and anger bubbling to the surface as she glared at Nam with intensity.

Her colleagues flinched at her outburst, but their grins remained firmly in place as they watched the scene unfold. Freen's cold and annoyed demeanor was a stark contrast to the playful banter they were used to, and they couldn't help but raise their eyebrows in surprise. Yeah, not so suprise but freen looks like she gatekeeping the things so dearly! Who's the owner?

"Fuck give it! Give it back!" Freen's demand for the necktie back was met with a slight blow from Nam, who seemed to be teasing her further. With a deep frown, Freen snatched the necktie back, cradling it protectively in her hands as she shot a glare at Nam and the others.

"You should've been more careful with Rebecca's gift! Show some respect!" Freen scolded, her voice laced with irritation and disappointment.

"Oh, rebecca's. Okay sir!" Nam's playful response, standing at attention as if in the army, elicited chuckles from the others, but Freen remained unamused. Deep down, she knew that they meant no harm, but she couldn't help feeling protective over the precious gifts from her beloved wife. With a sigh, Freen softened her expression slightly, realizing that her colleagues were just trying to lighten the mood. But she made a mental note to keep a closer eye on them in the future.

At the other side, The quaint café hummed with activity as patrons bustled about, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingling with the sweet scent of pastries. In a cozy corner, bathed in the warm glow of sunlight streaming through the windows, Rebecca and Irin shared a tight embrace, their laughter echoing softly in the air.

"Irin, it's been too long! I've missed you," Rebecca exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine warmth as she held her friend close.

Irin returned the embrace with equal fervor, her eyes shining with affection. "I know, Rebecca! I've missed you too! Japan was amazing, but it's so good to be back and see you."

Seated at a small table nestled in the corner, they settled in comfortably, their conversation flowing effortlessly as they caught up on lost time.

"Tell me all about your trip! How was it?" Rebecca inquired eagerly, her curiosity piqued.

Irin's face lit up with excitement as she regaled Rebecca with tales of her adventures. "Oh, it was incredible! The cherry blossoms were in full bloom, and the food was amazing. I wish you could have been there with me." Irin said, and somehow her mind was thinking about something else. Or should we say someone?

Rebecca smiled warmly, her eyes sparkling with genuine happiness for her friend. "I wish I could have been there too. But I'm glad you had such a wonderful time. You deserve it."

"Yeah.. I was having a really wonderful time." Irin said, pressing her lips together making rebecca furrowed her eyebrows when seeing a friend of her's right now practically blushing in front of her. "Hey! What happened huh?!" Rebecca spat, as irin look at her and chuckled shyly.

"I got a really big news to you." As they continued to chat, their voices mingled with the soft background music, creating a harmonious symphony of friendship and camaraderie. In that moment, surrounded by the comforting embrace of friendship, Rebecca and Irin savored the simple joys of companionship and shared laughter, grateful for the precious moments they had together.

A hot widower's wife || FreenBecky (G!p) Where stories live. Discover now