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After some days passed, right now freen and the friends - Noey and Heng were at the cafe, having a casual chats and also quick drinks. But freen and noey looks like someone who had never sleep, and looking like a dead-husband as if they had problems that will kill them in this life. Heng raise his eyebrows and hit the table with his hand, making both of them flinched and coming from their zoning.

"HOI!" Heng's playful jab at Freen and Noey's tired appearance snapped them out of their reverie, bringing them back to the present moment.Freen and Noey flinch a little and refocus on their surroundings. After that, they exchanged a knowing glance, their exhaustion evident in the dark circles under their eyes and the weariness in their expressions.

"Hey! What the fuck with both of you?! Didn't get a good sex or what?!" Heng joked, earning a simultaneous glare from Freen and Noey. Freen rolled her eyes, her tone firm as she rebuked Heng's crude remark. His blunt question about their lack of sleep elicited a mixture of annoyance and amusement from Freen and Noey.

"Talk properly okay Mr. Heng. That's rude. Every night or every time I make love to my wife is the best thing ever in my life," Freen retorted, her voice carrying a hint of annoyance.

Noey chimed in, her agreement with Freen evident in her exasperated tone. "This guy is a jerk," she muttered under her breath, prompting Heng to grin mischievously.

"Then?! What happened?!" Heng pressed on, eager to uncover the source of their exhaustion or problems.

With a deep sigh, freen started to explain "Rebecca is likely to love eating late night these days. She will freaking woke me up on 3 till 5 AM only for a freaking foods! Or sometimes she even will ask me to buy something that she saw in the televisions. God... I couln't think of this anymore." Freen said, letting her head low down, reaching the table and rest on it making heng raise his eyebrows when he head this.

Then, Noey nodded in agreement, sharing her own experience with Irin's emotional outbursts during the night.

"Irin also the same. We're staying together, right? And then.. she keeps crying every night. Gosh, I couldn't imagine what she's crying about. Really. She gets super emotional," Noey added, her voice tinged with exhaustion.

Heng rubbed his chin thoughtfully, pondering the possible reasons behind Irin and Rebecca's nighttime behavior. "Hmm.. did Irin watch a sad Korean drama? That's why she's crying? And Rebecca.. hm maybe she was so hungry! After this, ask her to eat before you guys have sleep, Freen! Nam also always needs to eat first before sleeping!"

Freen and Noey's eyes widened in realization at Heng's suggestion, as if a lightbulb had suddenly switched on in their heads. "Right! Why didn't I think about this?!" Freen exclaimed excitedly, clicking her tongue in agreement. The prospect of a simple solution to their nighttime troubles brought a sense of relief to both Freen and Noey, easing their worries about their partners' unusual behavior.

Gosh, should we go and flick their heads roughly? The three of them is just clueless. And what? Heng act like he was experienced in this, but what the hell? He still wrong too. Men. As usual, will never gets what women wants and feels.

At the other side, rebecca, irin and Nam was preparing for something at rebecca and freen's mansion. They already bought the things that she would use during this surprise, and they was planning to tell freen and noey about their pregnancy today during their night meet up.

Yes, actually tonight they were having a plan to have a friendly hangout or meet up, watching movies or snacking together and so on, but the girls have anothers plan without telling the other three.

"How is it rebecca?! Is it done?" Nam ask, as rebecca who was putting some chocolates inside the box nodding her head. "Done!!"

"Alright! We're all set! Lets just wait for them." Irin said, grinning and excitedly clap her hands. Seriously, this is the best thing ever. Rebecca want to see how freen will react once she know about this. How freen will get to be, how freen will blankly stares to her out of disbelief, god.. She can't wait for it anymore.

How will freen react? And what about noey? How she will react once she know about this?

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